nothing matters

I am the space between the music notes; the gap between the words.

I'm the buzzing in the silence; the pause between each verse.

Many call me nothing, but my purpose here is clear;

I'm the illusion of separation in an energy globe of fear.

Before everything was nothing; the calm before creation;

So if everything was after me, I am the instigation.

Here from the great beginning in the layered map of time;

I'm the original start of everything in the cycle that is life.

And though you may feel strongly that I'm nothing much to you,

I am life, I'm everything, so know that I am you.

I'm the nothing that connects you to everything around.

There is nothing in your life that nothing hasn't found.

So next time you are craving for a something that you see,

Think of all your nothingness, and connect to it through me.

But expect nothing to be given; don't let want be your slave,

For nothing ever comes when everything is craved.

Feel the nothing in your silence; the nothing in the noise;

Feel the nothing in your future; let than nothing be your voice.

Learn to hear your nothingness, listen to that call,

For until you know that nothingness, you know nothing much at all.