Chapter 2 First Day of Class

Chapter 2 First Day of Class

At precisely 8 am, a man strode into the room, bearing a hefty statue and leaning on a full metal cane. His height was hard to tell but even over his cane he looked like a giant of 7 feet. His gray hair was impeccably groomed, accompanied by a neatly trimmed beard. His eyes exuded both fierceness and control, akin to a powerful lion confined within a cage. It was a mystery to all what kind of entity this man represented, but none of the students dared to venture into that enigma.

The man's gaze swept briefly across the students' eyes. X could feel the weight of that gaze, unconsciously clenching his fist under the table. Once the gaze departed from his form, his fist released as though it possessed a will of its own.

With a voice that resonated in a low tone, the hunched man introduced himself, "I am your homeroom teacher, Major James Bennett. Additionally, I will assume the role of your physical training instructor. This being the inaugural day, all transgressions shall be pardoned. Yet, remember that when a superior officer approaches, you are to rise and extend a salute. This is a military institution, not your customary high school."

Witnessing the nods from the students, Major James Bennett rubbed his temple, inwardly lamenting the evident lack of proper education. He proceeded, "When I issue commands, your response should affirm the information by stating 'Sir, yes, sir.'"

All the students promptly stood, driven by apprehension not to provoke the man further, and collectively shouted, "Sir, yes, sir!"

With a nod of approval, James initiated a roll call. The process concluded swiftly, a testament to the exclusivity of being admitted to one of the finest military high schools and enlisting in the most distinguished freshman class there were only 10 students.

James elaborated, "Every individual within this classroom is already designated as a squad member for the entirety of this year. As a result, your schedules will be uniform. Commencing with Home Room or briefing, you'll proceed to physical training, combat training, history, language studies, and mathematics. Class A represents the paramount tier in each grade, granting you access to the preeminent instructors and facilities. Now, onto a final yet critical point about your classes."

Turning his gaze to each individual, he stated with gravitas, "This institution is fundamentally military. By occupying these seats, you have assumed the mantle of safeguarding the human race and its interests above your personal concerns. However, proving yourselves as the elite remains a prerequisite. As only the exceptional merit the finest, the school is inclined to weed out the underperformers. Every quarter, combat examinations will take place. If you fail to secure a spot within the top 10% of your grade, you shall be replaced. There are no exceptions. Those who fall beneath the lowest 10% will face expulsion. Henceforth, every three months, some will depart. Do not become one of them."

After a brief pause, James continued, "If you successfully graduate from Class A, you'll be recognized as an elite and added to the Cosmic Warriors' waiting list. This grants you the opportunity to challenge the 100 Cosmic Warriors once annually on Unification Day. For those who don't make it onto the waiting list, after graduation, they will join the army and be ranked based on their classes. Graduates from Class B will become captains, Class C will serve as lieutenants, and those from Class D will become sergeants. Additionally, those on the waiting list for the 100 Cosmic Warriors will be automatically promoted to Company Commanders, leading a group of 250 individuals."

The expressions of those present fluctuated like tidal waves, a mixture of dejection due to constant examination pressure and allure stemming from the rewards of triumph. The prospect of immediately becoming a commander responsible for 250 men and women in the army was a remarkable incentive, even if one didn't make it into the top 100 warriors of the human race. Moreover, an unspoken rule prevailed – when a soldier under a commander performed exceptionally, the commander received more credit than the soldier, leading to promotions. Conversely, if a soldier performed poorly, the soldier himself would be the only one to be punished. This exemplified the great advantage of holding a leadership position.

Following James' explanation he proceeded to distribute custom uniforms to each student – five conventional khaki-colored military uniforms and five black training uniforms.X caught sight of that grin and sensed its familiarity, wondering if this man had some relation to his mother.

Completing the uniform distribution, James instructed, "Alright, change into your training uniforms and wait outside the classroom."

Moments later, the students emerged, a mix of curiosity and readiness for what lay ahead. X, haunted by the memory of that smile, had a premonition of impending adversity.

"Ready to spar?" Sam inquired. With a smile.

X responded dispiritedly,"Ready for what. You just wait for me to hit you, then catch me and keep doing weird stuff to me till I give up".

His statement rendered Sam momentarily speechless, and the rest of the class subtly took a step back.

Regaining her composure, Sam retorted with a slightly flushed face, "It's training, don't call it weird stuff!"

His subsequent words caused Sam to want to vanish into thin air.

Calmly, X remarked with an innocent smile, "True, I do find it enjoyable when I do it with you. But you're too intense. You leave my whole body sore for days afterward."

Samantha, unable to fathom how he had turned the conversation so unscrupulous, exploded, "Shut up!"

Unbeknownst to the bantering pair, the entire class discreetly took two more steps away from them.

Returning with bags filled with sand, James arrived with a sadistic smile. He declared, "While it's known that exercising won't directly enhance your powers, neglecting the body is not an option. Only by pushing your physique to the brink will you achieve physical strength regardless of what your abilities are."

X, looking helpless. James then instructed each person to pick up one bag.Suddenly, James inquired, "Who among you possesses super strength, super speed, flight, or a healing factor?"

A smug smile materialized on Sam's face as she raised her hand, soon followed by X and two others, Alex Ryder and Olivia Stark.

Alex stood at 6 feet with a robust build and sharp features. His tanned skin complemented his mid-length brown hair. His gaze conveyed an air of superiority over others.

Fair-skinned Olivia stood at 5 feet 5 inches, boasting a slender frame and delicate features. Her bright pink hair was styled into twin tails, evoking a protective instinct in those around her. Despite her appearance, she displayed a willingness to challenge herself and prove her capabilities.

Seeing these four hands raised, the smile on James' face widened. Suppressing his laughter, he instructed, "State your name, powers, and form a line."

"Samantha, super strength," she announced.

"Xavier, super speed."

"Alex, Flight."

"Olivia, healing factor."

James couldn't help but burst into laughter, saying between chuckles, "Pick up as many bags as you can hold."

Samantha managed to hoist 5 more bags, while Xavier confidently gripped 1 more, finding them deceptively light, yet choosing not to test his limits. Alex was able to raise another bag off the ground, but petite Olivia struggled even with one. James regarded her and remarked, "It's alright, you can drag just one."

At the mere mention of "drag," Xavier sensed the intention behind James' words. He silently thanked his instincts for limiting his choice to 2 bags. Samantha observed Xavier's well-toned physique that couldn't be hidden within the long pants and long sleeve military training uniform.

Constructed to be more durable than the kevlar of the past era, the uniform was designed for increased flexibility. However, it bore an intentional weightiness for enhanced training effectiveness. The top weighed in at 10kg, while the pants added 20kg. This would have been cumbersome for most, but these individuals, accustomed to rigorous military training since youth, managed to maneuver despite the extra challenge.

However, the bags were a different matter entirely. Each bag contained dense osmium sand, weighing a full metric ton each.Even power abilities users such as themselves found it difficult.

Sam saw he had no signs of straining or difficulty in his face. Holding one for a moment should not be difficult for him based on their training together, but this was strange. She knew where his limits lay. Sam even considered that she knew her friend better than she knew herself. This amount of strangeness made her feel very uncomfortable. Raising her gaze from his body to his face made X turn his head and faced her with his usual smile.She smiled back and held back all her concerns. She decided that they would have a long chat at home.

James resumed his composed demeanor as if nothing transpired, casually saying, "Alright, let's acquaint you with the facilities. Remember, the running doesn't stop. Starting now!"

Little Olivia's eyes widened in panic, interpreting this as having to run while dragging her substantial load. Meanwhile, Alex attempted to elevate himself in flight, but the weight rendered him barely half a meter above the ground.

Two hours later...

James continued the demanding tour, as if oblivious to the students teetering on the brink of fainting. Even Samantha who was running in place due to James' brief pauses had now stood hunched over, beads of sweat dotting her fair skin and causing fiery red hair to cling to her forehead. While Alex was getting closer and closer to landing on the ground. But everytime he was about to touch the ground, James would turned his attention toward him with a sinister grin, eliciting a surge of fear that propelled him upward.. This would frighten him so much he would force himself to be raised 2 meters in the air for a moment.Little Olivia was still lagging behind, dragging her bag with all her might.

Observing her struggle invoked pity in everyone's eyes, X however couldn't help but nod his head in approval seeing her tenacity. He considered how some people's powers were well suited for them while others were not. He felt he fit into the ill-suited category, possessing super speed despite his calm demeanor. He believed his mother also fell into this category. Meanwhile, Sam and his father possessed powers perfectly attuned to their personalities: physical enhancement for Sam and growth acceleration for his planet-loving father. He strongly believed that this could contribute if someone's power becomes stronger or not. Going back to Olivia, if she were never to get hurt her power would be useless. But the more she strains herself the stronger it will become.Exercise has not proven effective in increasing abilities, however continuous use of abilities have proven to be beneficial.

X then Observing Alex, Xavier couldn't help but think that his smug grin persisted even amid his dying dog expression.X thought even if this guy's power was making shit from his mouth he would look down on people.

James' voice remained unaffected by the ongoing activity. "This is the gym, where much of your combat training will take place."

As the bell heralded the start of the third period, James concluded, "Ah, perfect timing. Combat training begins. Enjoy, cadets." A tall woman with short black hair entered the scene, towering at 6 feet 6 inches with a tan caramel complexion. She was towering overing everyone present besides James. This however did not make her look any less captivating. However her countenance discouraged any attempt to approach her.

"I am Captain Diana Reed, your combat instructor," she stated, her cold beauty tinged with an air of intimidation. The cadets, not daring to provoke their new instructor, saluted her with respect.

Nodding her head in agreement, Diana motioned to release the weights. Her gaze then fixed upon X, and she directed her instructions, "You, gather all the bags and stand there for the remainder of the class."

Sam was on the verge of offering a retort, yet X swiftly seized her hand and gave a subtle shake of his head. Responding in accordance, he uttered, "Sir, yes, Sir," and took all the bags from the floor. Astonishingly, to both himself and others, supporting 17 bags, each weighing a ton, failed to cause his posture to falter. He remained upright as a column, betraying no signs of strain.

James glanced at him and projected his voice, ensuring all ears were attuned, "I've often believed intellect to be paramount, as one can approach predicaments with solutions that lead to resolution. However, your combat instructor harbors a contrary viewpoint."

While grinding her teeth over the unjust treatment X endured, Sam momentarily overlooked questioning why he possessed such immense strength in the first place.

Diana, catching Sam's discontent, intoned, "You appear dissatisfied. Let's begin with you."

X's voice resounded instantly, a call to action, "Sam, duck!"

Without hesitation, she heeded X's counsel and sensed a formidable gust sweeping above her head. In its place, she beheld a metallic leg that would have occupied her former space.

Diana gazed at X with a mixture of surprise and curiosity, recognizing that his instincts surpassed those expected of someone his age.

Though X could not comprehended why he predicted Diana's maneuvers, his primary concern was safeguarding Sam from harm. Enduring unconsciousness seemed preferable to any potential blow she might incur from this new instructor.

"Leap, veer right, spring back, duck," X's commands persisted, all the while shouldering the weight of seventeen tons.

Sam placed unwavering trust in his guidance, executing each directive flawlessly. Eventually, Diana's onslaught ceased, concluding her appraisal.

Diana articulated,"Should she be struck even once, I will continue beating everyone, including you, until all of you are incapacitated. Should she evade thirty more attacks, you may relinquish the bags, and combat training shall commence. Alternatively, I can instruct the remainder of the class while you stand there. The choice is yours."

Before X could intercede, Sam's resolute voice resounded, "We accept."

Empowered by a sense of invincibility, Sam relished her newfound invulnerability. X's apparent ability to anticipate the instructor's maneuvers made her feel akin to a puppeteer's marionette, a thrilling sensation.

X sighed and nodded, accepting her decision. Truthfully he wanted to continue not only was it entertaining but he wanted to understand why he was able to perfectly predict Diana's attacks.

As his concentration heightened, Diana's onslaught gradually decelerated in his eyes. Now he did not even need to predict where her attacks were coming from; he could physically discern which muscles initiated contractions. He relayed instructions to Sam, guiding her to evade the impending attacks flawlessly.

The assaults drew to a close, and Diana ceased her offensive. Sam appeared on the brink of fainting, swaying unsteadily, yet X maintained his guarded stance as she teetered.

Diana's smile blossomed even brighter than when the fight began. She found immense gratification in imparting her knowledge to these exceptionally talented youths. Giving a confirming nod, she watched as X promptly set down his bags and rushed to Sam's side. Just as Sam descended into his embrace, Sam's eyes closed with a satisfied smile gracing her lips. Sam's whispered words reached X's ears, "That was so much fun."

Diana's voice resonated again, breaking the moment's tranquility. "Take her to the infirmary and remain by her side."

X affirmed her directive with a nod, gently lifting Sam and exited the gym.

The A class boasted state-of-the-art amenities, including an infirmary rivaling the proportions of an average hospital, staffed with numerous doctors and nurses prepared to provide immediate attention.

Upon X's and Sam's arrival, a nurse swiftly manipulated a few buttons on her virtual wrist watch. Bags of IV solutions materialized and were seamlessly connected to the room. Even before X had settled Sam onto the designated bed, medications for her recovery stood ready, a testament to the facility's efficiency.

A mobile bed was allocated for X within Sam's room, despite his lack of fatigue. He reclined on the bed, his gaze drawn to Sam's contented smile, the sight that gave him a profound sense of ease and comfort. As his muscles gradually relaxed, an unexpected sleep overcame him.

X appeared within the void. Amidst an expanding void, X encountered an image of himself, with white hair a stark contrast against the empty gray planet ahead of his other self. Desolation was seen on his face, his sorrow surpassing the ability to even shed tears. The misery etched upon his features transcended the bounds of emotion he could even understand.

The sight struck terror into X's heart—why did the white-haired version of himself appear so utterly consumed by sadness? He had countless joys currently, so how did this version of himself end up like this? Slowly, his hair transitioned to an raven black, mirroring the gradual transformation, the planet changed into a vibrant green. Simultaneously, his expression underwent a metamorphosis. Eyes once lost regained their light. The rejuvenated planet mirrored his revived smile, completing the cycle of transformation. X promised himself that he will never become the white haired version of himself.