An uncomfortable stillness hung in the air as the doctor scribbled her notes. I was relieved when she returned a few moments later, my penis finally retreating to its regular flaccid shape. I hoped the rest of the exam would move on to other parts of my body; I'd yet to be checked for any issues in my legs. This was meant to be a comprehensive checkup. I ask if I can dress up again as I feel a bit exposed, but the doctor tells me that we are not just done yet. She informs me that she needs to examine my vitals next, although she doesn't explain why I have to be nude for that. Too shy to ask for clarification, I comply without any further question.
Meanwhile the nurse had prepared the blood pressure monitor and wrapped it tightly around my arm. Electrodes were then added to my chest and stomach, with all devices connected to a computer that displayed various readings, including my heart beat, across its screen. I figured they next had me running on the treadmill but was perplexed what made them think I'd do so without any clothes on.
Instead of the treadmill, the doctor prescribed a few squats. It certainly felt odd to perform them unclothed and with the doctors scrutinising gaze upon me. It was a strange sensation to spread my legs for the squats, my body exposed to their sight as my genitals hung freely in the air. I carry on unwillingly, but the doctor requests that I perform a full squat and extend my legs fully. Evidently, she was unsatisfied with my half-hearted attempts. She doesn't seem to notice or mind my uncomfort.
I do as she instructed, dropping down lower into the next squad until the tip of my penis grazes the floor. I find myself exasperated - why is the doctor being so careless for her patients comfort. Thankfully, it's over quickly and she appears pleased with my movements and the data collected from the sensors attached to me.
Now Dr Maverick walks towards one of the drawers in the room and retrieved another device. The device looks similar to the blood pressure sensor, but was much smaller than the usual monitors I'd seen. Nurse Amy appeared just as surprised by it; it seemed she hadn't seen this device before either. Without hesitation, the doctor handed the device to Amy and asked her to attach it. Sensing her unfamiliarity with such a contraption, the doctor's exasperation was briefly evident before she composed herself and proceeded to explain how it should be attached in a calm and professional manner. Apparently it needed to be wrapped around my dick. Again I couldn't believe the words that came out of the doctors mouth. Amy too was taken aback, staring at the strap in her hands contemplatively, as if she was trying to figure out how exactly to apply it without having to be in contact with my private area for too long.
She then turned to me, her gaze averted. The strap can be opened and closed with velcro, just like the blood pressure monitor. Without making any physical contact with my skin, she deftly slides the strap around my penis then quickly fastens it securely with the velcro.
But Dr Maverick shakes her head and intervenes, unfastening the strap. She then takes hold of my scrotum and penis, gently tugging them outward before quickly wrapping the strap behind my testicles and around my shaft. She shut it more firmly than Amy had done. A new graph emerged on the computer screen linked to my body with a web of cables. I tried to keep my gaze fixed upon the display, not wanting to meet Amy and the doctor's eyes.
I can feel my blood being constricted by the tight strap, much like a regular cock ring. I'm surprised to find such a device being used in a medical setting.
I'm dangerously close to becoming aroused once more. I'm both embarrassed and titillated as my conflicting emotions war within me. Part of me is mortified at the thought of them discovering my arousal, yet another part longs for Amy to touch my manhood again.
Everything is a bit bewildering and I finally summon up the nerve to speak to Dr Maverick directly. I voice my hesitation about the procedure, inquiring as to whether it's really necessary. Her reply was short and decisive. She informed me that she would be taking some vitals, assuring me that it wouldn't hurt or be uncomfortable. Without further explanation or sympathy, she continued with her task.
I am stunned, also annoyed that she doesn't explain and generally seems to be a bit arrogant. On thenother hand, I often hear of doctors being confronted with patients who are driven by their own beliefs and rely on Google as a source to challenge every medical opinion. Ultimately, I decided to put my faith in Dr Maverick and remain quiet, confident that she was doing what was best.