HH Prologue

The sky above Blackwood was a dark and foreboding gray, with inky clouds blocking out the moonlight and casting an ethereal shadow over the town. The rain poured in sheets, creating large puddles and soaking anyone who dared to brave the downpour. An ominous calm clung to the air, as if something big and terrible was about to happen.

The streets of the small, quiet town were practically empty, save for a few brave campers braving the elements in the local deserted forest. Despite the incessant sheets of rain and occasional flashes of lightning, they never noticed the nightmarish monsters creeping out of the dark brush and woods.

With each flash of lightning, more and more nightmarish creatures from the depths of hell emerged, growing in number by the minute.

An unsuspecting young couple in a camper are making out in the bed in the back. The storm rages outside and pummels the windows with sheets of dark rain.

The young man grabs his girlfriend by the waist and pulls her close, kissing her passionately while squeezing her butt cheeks. "Mmmh..." she moans softly into his mouth.

Meanwhile, outside the storm rages on as the monsters get closer. But the couple is too caught up in each other to notice. the young man pushes his girlfriend down onto the bed, climbing over her body to straddle her hips.

As they continue their passionate embrace, the young man reaches under his girlfriend's skirt and slides her white cotton panties off. Then he lifts himself up and places the tip of his cock near her wet pussy.

"Clark! What the fuck?" Emily snapped at him.

"What babe? I thought you wanted me." Clark said, feigning ignorance.

As Emily pulled away from Clark with a look of shock on her face, a loud crack of thunder shook the camper, causing Clark to jump. The sound of rain pounding against the roof echoed through the small space, and the couple sat in the dark for a moment.

As their eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, they noticed the shadows in the corner of the trailer moving, seemingly on their own. Emily reached for Clark's hand, gripping it tight.

"What the hell was that?" Emily whispered. Clark shook his head, unsure of the answer himself.

As the shadows continued to shift and move on their own, a sharp *tap* *tap* *tap* came from outside the front window. Clark and Emily looked to each other in shock before slowly approaching the window to see what was making the mysterious sound. As they got closer, the tapping on the glass increased in both speed and volume as if it were desperate to get their attention.

All at once, a terrifying flash of lightning illuminated the monsters in their true forms. A monstrous humanoid figure emerged from the brush, its twisted face a nightmare of pain and horror. With a blood curdling cry, it snatched Emily and dragged her away, her screams of terror lost into the abyss.

Another terrifying flash of lightning illuminated the monsters once again, as they unleashed their wrath upon the campground. Blood curdling screams echoed across the valley, their lives snuffed out in seconds.

A deafening roar from hellish depths shook the earth, as a horde of disgusting creatures emerged from the shadows and descended upon the town. With each step, the ground beneath them quaked and rumbled, creating a chasm of terror and chaos.

The air was thick with darkness, the rain a torrent of fear. A sudden flash of lightning pierced through the darkness, revealing nightmare humanoid monsters with twisted faces and horrid forms. They dragged their victims into the shadows. Their faces frozen in terror as they disappeared into the void.

The rain poured relentlessly, and the streets were soon filled with blood. Another flash of lightning illuminated the scene, as the blood-soaked streets turned into a sea of red and black. Another horrifying roar was followed by a massive creature, towering above the buildings and streets like a titan of death and destruction.

The earth shook and rumbled as the towering monstrosity stomped onto the buildings and shattered them into tiny pieces. People were crushed in an instant and left a splatter of blood and viscera in the crater left by its huge foot print. Within seconds the footprint was filled with rain and blood.

Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed, but neither could extinguish the flames of horror and chaos!

***Discord is open!***
