Martial Arts System-Quests, Chapter-7:

The man in the suit, Agent Stone, adjusted his cufflinks with a practiced flick, the glint of gold catching Yun Qhu's eye. Yun Qhu's own mind was a whirlwind, processing the information Agent Stone had laid out. An underground arena, a competition, a chance to be the best. The allure was undeniable, a siren song whispering promises of power and a sense of belonging. But a seed of doubt had been planted. Agent Stone's cold, calculating eyes, devoid of any warmth, hinted at something more sinister beneath the invitation.

"There's one more thing," Agent Stone continued, a predatory smile playing on his lips that sent shivers down Yun Qhu's spine. "The winner of this little competition receives a substantial financial reward. Unofficially, of course."

Yun Qhu's heart skipped a beat. Money. He didn't care about wealth for himself, the latest gadgets or designer clothes held no appeal. But the possibilities it unlocked… The image of his mother's worn-out furniture, the strained look on her face when the electricity bill arrived, flashed through his mind. The money could ease their burdens, provide a sense of security they desperately needed.

Three days later, the sterile scent of disinfectant hung heavy in the air of the hospital room, clinging to Yun Qhu's clothes even as he tried to focus on Mia. The fluorescent lights overhead buzzed relentlessly, casting a harsh glare on the cramped space. Three days. It felt like an eternity since they'd received the news, each tick of the clock a hammer blow to their hearts.

Mia's mother, usually so vibrant and full of life, lay motionless on the bed. Her once-rosy cheeks were drained of color, the stark white of the sheets seeming to mock her paleness. A tangle of plastic tubes snaked from an IV drip into her arm, a constant reminder of her fragility. Mia, usually the picture of composure, had crumpled. Her shoulders shook with silent sobs as she clutched her mother's hand, her knuckles white with the force of her grip. Each choked sob tore at Yun Qhu's heart, a raw wound mirroring the helplessness he felt.

He looked across at Alex, searching for some flicker of hope, some plan, but Alex's face was a mask of grim determination. The silence in the room was a suffocating weight, pressing down on them like a physical force. It was broken only by the rhythmic beep of the heart monitor, a constant reminder of the precariousness of life.

Then, Mia's voice, barely a whisper, shattered the stillness. "I don't have the money," she rasped, her voice thick with despair. "The treatment… it's so expensive." The words hung in the air, a death knell to their fragile hope.

Yun Qhu felt a surge of a primal emotion – a desperate need to fix things, to make the pain go away. His mind raced, searching for a solution. Agent Stone's words echoed in his head – a competition, a chance to win a life-changing sum of money. A flicker of hope ignited in his chest, a spark against the encroaching darkness. He wasn't sure what he was getting himself into, but he knew one thing for sure – he would do whatever it took to save Mia's mother for Mia's sake.

Suddenly, a new resolve hardened Alex's features. "I can help," he blurted out, his voice surprisingly firm. He looked at Yun Qhu, his gaze holding a newfound intensity. Yun Qhu's eyebrows shot up in surprise. This wasn't the Alex he knew – the shy, reserved classmate. This Alex was determined, with a fire in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Yun Qhu asked, a flicker of hope flickering in his own chest.

Alex pulled out his phone, his movements purposeful. He unlocked it and showed Yun the screen, filled with cryptic symbols and numbers that swam before Yun Qhu's eyes. "I downloaded an app a few days ago," Alex explained, his voice low and urgent. "It gives me quests and abilities to fight kind of rewards to the quest.

Yun Qhu's jaw dropped. Two anomalies, both drawn to the app? Perhaps there was more to this than just coincidence!