Chapter 8: Field trip, Attack, and Betrayal

A month and a half later.

With a slight growl, I watched as Graveonth stalked over with his buddies. Opening my mind, I read his thought,' When would the best time to kill him be? How would I kill him, blast him with plasma, rip his scales with my claws, or do all of the above? Yes, that is what I will do.'

Looking back towards the sky, I called Graveonth out," Learn to keep your mind blank; again, I can read your mind, Graveonth."

He snarled," Alright, annoying Angelic Wyvern, what did I think then."

Raising a brow, I questioned," Do you want me to repeat word for word what you just thought."

He nodded while I shrugged and parroted what he said," Alright, here it goes, and this is the same thought train,' When would the best time to kill him be? How would I kill him, blast him with plasma, rip his scales with my claws, or, my favorite, do all of the above? Yes, that is what I will do."

His face was frozen in shock as I flicked my tail," So how is that for reading your mind, Graveonth?"

Shirlan, Xisu's and Chithor's older sister, glared at Graveonth and growled," You realize I could have you put under supervision, right? I am, after all, a high-ranked member of the Haven already."

He composed himself and smirked smugly," Oh really, my father is a higher rank than you."

Shirlan hissed," There are multiple witnesses, airhead. Meaning that after this, I have you under supervision tell deemed safe to be alone."

Graveonth scowled," Have fun with that, and who would believe the runt."

Narrowing my eyes," Do I have to remind you that I am stronger than you? How many times in total have I beaten you now?"

Xisu smirked," Xyv has a point there. Come on, he fought you and your two lackeys at once."

Shrugging, I responded to his jab towards them," I was using my power over future sight to defeat them. In all honesty, probably in an actual fight, I would have lost. I don't have my other abilities yet, but slowly developing them is a slow process. Make sure this doesn't go to your head. Graveonth a one-on-one fight, I know I would win."

Shirlan sighed," Alright, enough of the excitement. Krodi, let's go. When we get to the spot, we will separate into groups."

Krodi nodded before jumping into the air as I jumped without a second to spare. Flying steadily, a strong wind current from below enabled me to stretch my wings and glide.

Xisu probably told his brother," Xyv looks so natural in the open air. Why is that?" Instead of Chithor's voice, Shirlan responded," Because of who he is and whose blood he holds."

Glancing back, I looked at Xisu," My mother is former Queen Shondrass of the Angelic Wyverns. In other words, my species is the progenitor of wind, fire, and lightning dragons and or wyverns, according to Elder Storm, that is. The Demonic wyverns are the progenitors of the Earth and Water. The Dragon Hunter is more or less a creation of the demonic wyverns. No, I do not mean the humans." I said all of this in a quiet but firm tone.

Graveonth smirked," You mean the creature." He was currently flying a little bit ahead of me.

Confirming what he said," Yes, that is correct, and I am its current prey. That creature is what caused my mother, Shondrass, to die. So Graveonth, in a way, your distant cousin already gave you your revenge."

He nodded simply before taking the latest information in," HUH! You are the current target of the Dragon or Wyvern Hunter?! How are you alive!?"

Shrugging, I snorted," I have no idea, in all honesty. I have encountered it once already. With my luck, though, it will happen again, and soon, it's been two months since the last attack occurred."

Shirlan growled," Great, just great. Did any of its attacks hit you at all?"

Shaking my head," No, I dodged the spear of darkness. The attack was maybe five minutes before the attack happened in the Valley of Wind. Why, what happens if they get a taste of the blood of their prey?"

Shirlan shivered," A rumor has it that once they taste the blood of their prey, they can track them. They are the most efficient hunters known to our kind or the world. But I have a hunch that as an Angelic Wyvern, he is drawn to you naturally."

Glaring at her, I groaned," Why do I have the odd suspicion you just cursed me." In response, she shrugged at what I said.

Breathing outwards, I looked down into the forest below us. I ordered," If that thing is nearby, I want you guys to leave. Chances are it will kill you to get to me."

Chithor's voice came behind me," No way are we leaving you behind."

Raising my voice to a far higher pitch than my usual soft tone, I said," You do not have a say in this matter; I am going to lead it away. I do not want to watch my friends die trying to protect me. Either way, I am tough to kill. I survived a hurricane, a lightning bolt, our home getting destroyed, and fleeing from my own family. So yes, I can hold my own, whether flying or fighting."

Graveonth admitted grudgingly," Can't believe I am disclosing this, but he can do so without a doubt."

With that in mind, we were now going into the forest. Concentrating on the light within me, I released it to a low dim, something I recently figured out I could do. The forest was now brighter, enabling us to see a bit easier. Keeping my guard up, I breathed steadily, watching as the shadows disappeared and appearing warily.

Hearing a light growl, I yelled," Get down!"

Reacting immediately, I blasted a torrent of spirit fire. One of the only things that can at least hurt a demonic wyvern or a dragon hunter." A shadow strike was racing at me, colliding with the blast of spirit fire shredding right through it.

My future sight kicked in as I yelled," Get out of here!" Adrenaline was coursing through my system while I jumped into the air.

An echoing howl sounded from behind me while I gulped in fear,' If my mother couldn't defeat this thing, what hope do I have!' Glancing back, I squeaked in surprise, large black wings wider than any other dragons I knew unfurled, and with a single flap, it flew at me at unimaginable speeds. It was nothing but a blur. Hot bolts of pain raced through my body as I realized it had ripped into me. A blood-curdling scream ripped from my body as I knew the wound could be fatal even for me.

The Dark creature hissed in a raspy voice," You are undoubtedly strong, young wyvern; most would have died from that strike. I want to fight you when you are older; my master wants me to draw out your full potential—the potential to surpass your mother."

He surged at me again and flipped mid-air just above me, bringing down a massive shape that slammed me over the head—rocketing towards the ground at high speed. Slamming into the land below me, I immediately felt bones breaking, feeling something puncture my exposed soft stomach. I weakly looked up to see the wyvern or dragon hunter driving its claw into my stomach.

It hissed in glee," The pain you radiate is so satisfying. Gain much more power, and then we will fight to the death. I must warn you if you reach equipollence, it will signal the end of the world. Oh, my name is Unla. Remember that name, as it will be me to kill you."

Without another sound, Unla began to leave as I whispered," What are you?"

Unla laughed manically," Oh, my species is a descendant of the demonic wyvern if that's what you mean. Ersaicean is a mix between a Demonic Wyvern's blood and shadows."

I heard nothing afterward. All I knew was darkness. While unconscious, I was aware of time moving.

Forcing my eyes open, I heard a familiar voice swear, "Xyverinos is alive. Still, Xisu, hurry over here!"

Looking up, I saw Chithor's grim face looming over me as I weakly whispered," Don't leave."

Xisu whispered, crying," I'm sorry, Xyv, we returned to tell you that the council ordered us to leave you. They think you are not worth it anymore. Just to let you know, Elder Storm, my sister, and all the others fought for you to stay. Even Graveonth did. Another thing, dragon or wyvern hunters are coming this way."

Shirlan gently moved Xisu away before looking at me, bending down; she whispered," I'm sorry, Xyv. I will let them know who you genuinely are. We can get a rescue mission for you, depending on how that goes. Tell them to be careful. I think the hunters headed this way are from W.D.E.D. Use your mind-reading to move up ranks quickly," She tapped my head," Use your intelligence as well. Be safe, and even if we don't win, I will let W.D.D.C. capture me to help them bring you somewhere safer. Thank you for getting us away and for protecting us."

Unable to move, I whispered," Let Elder Storm know I received some info about the Shadow creature, Unla, made of Demonic wyvern Blood and Darkness; He is a species called an Ersaicean."

Shirlan had tears in her eyes," Alright, thank you. Again, I am sorry, Xyv." She called to everyone," We have to go now."

I watched them go as my vision began to dark. Feeling a strange serenity, I breathed out and murmured," So I am dying. It's strangely peaceful. If there is one, I wonder what awaits me on the other side."

A human voice called out, not far from me, but with my hearing failing me, I couldn't pinpoint them," The wyvern we found him, severely injured already. Hurry up!"

Closing my eyes, I barely felt the footsteps of other humans approaching. I opened my eyes to see two sets of evil sparkling eyes dancing with glee. Closing my eyes again, I felt nothing but a needle puncturing my neck before complete darkness hit.

Feeling myself waking up, I breathed unsteadily and felt massive pain through my entire body, far worse than the lightning bolt.

A human voice chuckled," Your already conscious new pet. What is your name, little wyvern?"

Knowing who they were and I was in no shape to disobey, I murmured weakly with my eyes still shut," Xyverinos."

Another human voice spoke," What caused these injuries to you exactly?"

In a much softer tone than my first response, I said three words," The Dragon Hunter."

The rest of my strength faded as I felt myself slipping to unconsciousness; a human snorted," Alright then, welcome to W.D.E.D."

If he said anything else, I was unconscious.

Forgetting where I was the entire time, I opened my eyes to be in a dark room. My sense of smell came back first. Smelling blood, loss of hope, and sadness weighed all over my body, and I shivered from the cold chains' feeling. The chains that have taken my freedom. I shivered as a metal door I hadn't noticed opened with a squeaky hinge.