Part III Chapter 39: Breaking Point

One year later

Laying beside Shyri, I felt her poke me," Get up, Xyv."

Hissing softly, I moved my wings over my head and felt her jump on me as I yelped," Alright, alright, I am up!"

She laughed," I win."

Flicking her with my tail," You usually always win, love. I can't argue with you very easily."

She smiled at me, her gray eyes lighting up to brilliant silver," Or you just let me win. I have seen you argue before."

Chuckling, I responded," True. But no, you usually play your cards right when we argue."

She protested," Usually!"

I grinned," Yeah, you don't notice. I prefer mental stuff, after all. So yeah, I notice."

She rested her tail on my own as she spoke," Don't you have to go work on the machine."

I snorted," I do, yeah, but I don't want to go right now."

She chuckled," I would finish it today; we have a check-up late on today."

Slightly surprised," First, I have heard of that. But yeah, you are right. Alright, I will meet you outside of the workplace."

Nodding, I hummed in understanding as I inquired," Why a check-up now? I have been here for two and a half years now. I would have thought they would have done it to me not long ago."

She shrugged," I don't know. Well, I am going to be in the dome for a little while. Bye, love."

She left as I laid there for a few moments longer, heaving myself up as I looked at the others. All of them had grown just as much as me, and all of them were a tiny bit bigger. Well, it made sense for Enihieh and Spirit to be bigger than the rest of us. I was nearing the size Allit was when I was captured. Shyri is just slightly smaller than me.

Walking away as Spirit called to me," Xyverinos, you know we have a check-up, right?"

I answered," Of course."

'Well, I wouldn't have known if it wasn't for Shyri.'

I was debating whether or not if I should teleport there or walk. I decided on the latter. Walking through the stone hallway, I breathed out and entered the workplace. The staff member who was always there spoke," You are late."

I glared at him," Shut up."

I had picked up a few of the human swear words over the last couple of years. My favorite being shut up.

He sighed," Alright, alright, stop glaring at me. Well, you are almost done."

I snorted," Oh, I know—no need to tell me that. Anyways I heard that we have a check-up later."

He snorted," If you can call it that."

Narrowing my eyes in suspicion at the man, I peeked into his mind,' Those fools of a higher up. Doing this when he is only eight.'

I snorted before I turned my attention towards the weapon I was building for them. When I was finished with this, I knew I would be free if the Commander would follow through with his word. Though in recent times, I doubt it. Either way, with the amount my power has grown these last couple of years, I knew the collar wouldn't restrain me for much longer, especially if the higher-ups of W.D.D.C wanted to force me to reach equipollence. I can only pray when that happens that all of the ones I care for getting out of here before that happens.

They did have my weakness, however, my love for Shyri. Shaking my head, I turned towards my task.

Blue flames surrounded me as I focused on the metal in front of me. One of the large pieces of metal floated in front of me as I used the heat created by the flames to make the metal more malleable.

Forming it into a cylinder, I welded the metal to the base of the barrel. Then, grabbing the next metal, I did the same thing. Forming the second major piece of the barrel, I fastened the next part of the barrel. Using Telekinesis, I made sure that the metal could slide against each other and out. Without even looking, I repeated the first step I did for the last time. With the entire weapon finished, I sighed, releasing the power while the light in the room dimmed with the energy I was releasing stopped.

I heard the door open as Thomas's voice came from behind me," Finished Xyverinos?"

Deadpanned," Yeah, just finished."

He sighed," Time to inspect it."

He walked around it slowly, checking from all angles, and looked into it. Then, holding my breath as he checked the inside, praying he didn't see the little trap I placed. Finally, he walked over to the blueprints and compared them to the machine, and turned to me with a smile," Well, it looks like you are done. Time for the check-up. Shall we get going?"

Flicking my tail, I answered," Yeah, I have one question, though. What does the check-up require me to do?"

He sighed," Nothing too complicated. There is a mental part that can take a while. The entire check-up is only for wyverns or dragons the age of 8 and up."

I flicked my tail," Alright."

I walked outside as Shyri stood there waiting for me," You ready to go?"

I smirked," Yeah, I am. Let's get this over with so I can go back to sleep."

She pouted," No sleeping, you did plenty of that this morning when you were too stubborn to get up."

Flicking my tail at my love while we walked through the halls behind Thomas. We stopped for a moment as Thomas entered a code as a door beeped and opened.

I noticed that Spirit, Cyvin, Enihieh, Typhoon, and Seldra were all waiting for us upon the door opening.

Cyvin was the first to notice us as he called," About time Xyverinos."

I glared at him, my feathers sharpening," Cyvin, unlike you, I had something to do."

He waved his tail dismissively," I had plenty to do while you were working on the machine."

Shyri snorted," Sure, Cyvin, if you call flirting with Enihieh plenty to do."

Enihieh chuckled," Shyri has a point; either way, Xyv has been working on this for a while."

Deadpanned, I spoke up," I have been working on the machine for two years. A while is an understatement."

The sound of a door opening came to my left as the Second in Command came in, followed by multiple people as I hardened my eyes slightly as one of them; A woman, looked at me with wide eyes," Is this him?"

Shyri rested her tail on me to keep me calm as Richard's voice came in," Yes, from left to right, we have Shyri, Xyverinos, Seldra, Eniheih, Typhoon, Spirit, then Cyvin."

The second in command, I forgot his name chuckled," Yes, M'lady, this is him."

She gushed," He is so pretty. Do you think he will let me touch him?"

Speaking up, I bore my blue eyes into her," I wouldn't touch me unless you want to end up on the wrong side of my wings."

The second in command growled," Xyverinos! I order you to let her touch you."

I snarled," Do you wish to push me any further than you have been for the last two years?"

His eyes widened as energy began to pulsate from me as Shyri whispered," Xyverinos, calm down, please."

I breathed outwards, collecting myself as I glared daggers into the Second in Commands head; he seemed to get the message as a man behind him glanced warily at me," How much power was he releasing?"

Richard gulped," Barely one percent. Perhaps he should go first?"

I perked up slightly as another woman spoke," I think that would be wise to do, especially since we have been pushing him so hard. We should check his mental status."

Richard stepped forward," Xyverinos, to determine your mental wellness, I will ask you some questions, answer with only the truth. First question: What did they want you to work on?"

I snorted," A weapon."

Richard nodded," Next question, what is your goal while you are here?"

I narrowed my eyes," Simply enough, nothing. I despise all of you."

Richard glared at me," How close are you and Shyri? What would you do if someone was to say torture her?"

An explosion of energy curled off of me, breaking nearby windows as I felt something off from how he said it. His mind was wandering about what he would do.

I growled," That is a terrible idea even to ask that kind of question."

Richard gulped as he thought,' Maybe I shouldn't ask this next question.'

The second in command ordered," All of Xyverinos friends, please exit here and head back to the dome. We will go one by one. From there."

I heard them leave as I heard Shyri whisper to me,' Don't do anything stupid, please Xyv.'

Richard spoke his next question," How would you feel if we were to kill your friend-."

That did it, feeling something in my chest. I grabbed onto it and pulled hard. I felt a massive release of energy before I blanked out.