Part III Chapter 41: Return

  Wincing in pain as my muscles were tight and sore after reaching equipollence, I was not expecting. However, I had just enough energy to break the chains and collars on Cyvin, Enihieh, Typhoon, Seldra, Spirit, and Shyri with Thomas's help.

Shyri stood beside me while I stretched," You ready to go."

I snorted," Of course."

Aldentoa, with her two hatchlings, smiled at me," Just letting you know, Xyv, there will be a lot of females after you when you return."

I snorted," Oh, I know."

Shyri growled," Oh, I will tear them to ribbons if they try anything."

Typhoon chuckled," Well, Shyri is possessive over Xyverinos."

Shyri growled," So what if I am."

I sighed, not wanting to move," Can we start leaving before I decide to fall asleep while you guys bicker? I don't want to remain here, especially since W.D.D.C may come here."

Thomas snorted," Doubt it, especially since you wiped out the secondary directors and second in command."

Spirit sighed," I am so glad Emily is on break in the city. Well, still on the business for W.D.D.C, of course."

I snorted," If we see Emily, we drag her with us."

Everyone jumped into the air as I grimaced with my sore muscles moving so soon after reaching equipollence.

Following my friends as I struggled to keep up, Shyri stayed close to me to make sure I didn't fall out of the sky, which, frankly, I was that exhausted.

After some time of flying, Thomas glanced back as he called up to Spirit," We should stop for a little while; let Xyv catch his breath!"

I sensed guilt radiate at him as we dove down and landed by a slow-moving stream.

Sensing the minds of multiple humans as my sharp ears picked up the sound of leaves crunching. Judging by how much everyone else was tensing up, they also heard it. Flames began to flicker around Cyvin as I spoke, laying down," Enough."

I sounded different with my newer voice; everyone looked at me as Cyvin mellowed out as another twig snapped; Shyri growled as I sighed, looking at the forest until the outlines of four humans came towards us.

Thomas called out, drawing a weapon of some sort," Who are you? Come out with your hands raised."

Emily's voice called," It is just me with a few others."

Another familiar voice," Hello Thomas!"

He stuttered," S-Sasha! What are you doing here?!"

I sensed love in him as I felt the same from Sasha, along with anger. She marched up to Thomas and yelled," You idiot!"

Spirit spoke up," Um, who are the other two humans behind you? I recognize your brother, of course, the current General, or I should say, a former general."

The man chuckled," Welcome, Xyverinos. A pleasure to finally meet you."

I narrowed my eyes," Not so lovely to meet you. Who is the other one behind you."

A man stepped forward," An honor to meet you Xyverinos and friends. But, I must ask, why are you so tired, Xyveirnos?"

Typhoon snarled," Why should we tell you anything?"

In a stern tone, I answered," Typhoon enough. Even if they want to capture me again, they can't."

The former General snorted," Sure they can't."

I continued," I reached equipollence. Meaning I am one with my element. Or, in other words, elements, fire, light, wind, and lightning. So in terms of power, I know I was at least twice the power that Inferno once was three years ago."

Thomas gulped," I knew that equipollence made a dragon or a wyvern stronger than anything else. But for you to be stronger than Inferno."

I snorted," I reached his level a year ago. You didn't let me finish. I am on another level in power. If Inferno and I were to fight, I would be easily able to win. But with me just having reached equipollence, I am very low on energy, so I need to rest."

Laying my head down as Shyri hissed," How do we know we can trust them?"

I mumbled," You can trust them."

Shyri, due to her emotions, seemed to want to protest as I flared a small amount of my power, effectively shutting her up. While I may love her to bits, she needed to shut up.

Shyri flicked her tail as Sasha walked over to me; judging from the sound of her footsteps, she was still angry at me for sacrificing myself for her freedom. Who knew she could hold a grudge for so long."

Sasha growled," Xyverinos, you and I are going to have a friendly long chat."

Opening my eyes, I sighed," Sasha, we are not; with me reaching equipollence, it means the final battle is to come. Very soon, this fate was ordained millennia ago."

I was breathing more accessible now as I was catching my breath, Moving into a sitting position, I gazed into the eyes of everyone as Thomas spoke," Who is the final battle against?"

I answered," The two beings stronger than myself on this planet. The brother of Unla, Requiem, is one of the few beings stronger than me; still, well, I am not sure where I am at in terms of power against him. Now the biggest obstacle is Unnin of the Demonic Wyverns himself. He is the strongest Fallen class to have ever existed. Along with the fact he is the son of the moon itself. Like my mother was the daughter of the sun and gained all my grandmother's powers."

Shyri smiled at me," What about you?"

I sighed," I already told you, but okay. I have all my mother's powers in me, meaning I also have the power of the sun."

They all gulped in fear; looking at them, I stood up. While I was still drained from hitting that point, Spirit spoke before I could," We should get back to the haven before the battles begin."

Closing my eyes, I decided to use one of the powers I feared, looking into the future. Following the threads for the current timeline, I sighed. I could see the battles coming up in the next five days. In the next week, I would fight Requiem for nearly four months. Then, the final battle two or so months later. While I knew I couldn't tell them what the future holds, I could still protect them and advise them on the steps they could take.

I breathed outwards," Alright, let us start going back to the sanctuary. Sasha leads us back."

Sasha smiled," Of course. I assume you are too tired to carry a human."

Nodding in consent, I watched as they jumped into the air; still tired, I jumped at the back of the formation a minute after them. I watched as Cyvin carried Emily, Spirit carried Sasha, and Enihieh carried Emily's brother. Typhoon carried Thomas.

Forcing myself to move faster, I slowly gained on them as Shyri spoke," Should you be pushing yourself so hard?"

I answered," I have no choice; I will rest when we return to the sanctuary. Though tomorrow, I will get chewed out by the stupid council."

After some time of flying, the sanctuary began to come into view as I strained my already worn-out body as Sasha yelled," We are almost there!"

I chuckled," Oh, I see it, Sasha."

Now diving towards the entrance at a slant, Sasha and Spirit landed first as a gruff voice growled," Who are you!"

I sighed," Hi, can we go inside, please."

An earth wyvern, an old one at that, appeared and growled," I SAID WHO ARE YOU!"

Releasing my aura as golden energy curled off of me as I purred," Let me through, now."

The old wyvern blanched and stuttered," X-xyverinos, I am genuinely sorry for not recognizing you."

I waved my tail as I panted, worn out just from that little show and tell. Then, finally, a loud, powerful feminine voice spoke," Welcome- XYVERINOS!"

Smiling, I looked towards my grandmother figure," Hello, Elder Storm."

She landed before me as Aldentoa gasped," As in former Queen Storm?!"

I had forgotten she was there with her two youngsters; Elder Storm smiled," I am, yes. But, honestly, I forgot I used to be the queen of the Water Wyverns."

I spoke up," Is it possible for me to rest and deal with the stupid council when I wake up? I need to recover?"

She looked confused," Why?"

Shyri snarled," He reached equipollence, you old bat!"

Elder Storm growled," Who are you to talk to me like that!?"

I noted she wasn't surprised I reached equipollence as Shyri replied fiercely," I am his girlfriend!"

Her eyes widened as I coughed slightly in embarrassment as Elder Storm gapped at me and back at Shyri," W-what."

I had a slight smile on my exhausted face," Yes, Elder Storm, we have been together for nearly a year and a half now."

Shyri grinned as I twined my tail around hers, and I sighed," I will be in my cave; get Allit to come to wake me up tomorrow."

Disappearing in a flash of light, we appeared in my old cave I groaned, falling asleep, and the last thing I heard was Shyri's laughter as I fell into a deep sleep.