Part III Chapter 44: Beginning of the End

I sat on the stone throne in the council room and listened to them arguing about the battle that was supposed to happen today or tomorrow.

Having enough, I addressed everyone," Alright, can we get onto business? All this arguing is getting pointless."

Shirlan articulated," What business do we have?"

Looking at her, deadpanned," What did I warn you guys about a few days ago? We were going to be thrust headfirst into a battle against the darkness. We must start preparations now; otherwise, we will all die."

Rykyr groaned," Xyverinos brings up a point, even if we have multiple equipollences. Say Xyverinos, how strong is Requiem?"

I snorted," Probably near my level, if not stronger; he took on Inferno while he was in his sun form and defeated him without using his equipollence. I don't think he got much stronger these last few years. He is still stronger than all of you and our equipollences combined."

Rykyr snarled," So are you saying we already lost?!"

I chuckled hollowly," No, I will fight Requiem alone. If anyone tried to assist me, they would only get in the way. This battle between us can result in a battle of equipollence and change the landscape to become unrecognizable."

That was most likely when the severity of the situation came in.

Elder Storm said," Well, since we know the basics, we can begin preparations for the battle."

Expanding the thin veil of aura, I picked up dark energies and discoursed," Sound the alarm; they are here. Get everyone ready. I will go out and hold them off."

Jumping off the chair, I teleported outside, and across the field several miles away, I took note of a massive army of dark creatures. In front of them stood Requiem.

Muttering an enchantment," Barrier technique, Protection of nature!"

Requiem called the moment a blue flame barrier surrounded the mountain behind me," Hello, Xyverinos; it is an honor meeting you in battle."

I couldn't help but smile softly," Likewise, Requiem, you are as courteous as the last time we met three years ago."

He laughed as the darkness around him rippled as he spoke," Are you taking all of us at once or just one-on-one?"

I narrowed my eyes, speaking seriously," Just one-on-one."

He consented," Fine with me; what about my precious, adorable, bloodthirsty underlings?"

Growls hisses, and snarls sounded as I snorted in amusement," Going to have to disagree with you there, precious and adorable, not so much. Bloodthirsty on that we can agree on. Also, you have a screwed-up definition of precious and adorable."

He looked stunned," But what about this thing?"

He picked up a giant ball of fluff with a giant claw of darkness.

Shaking my head, I said," Nope, I feel that thing is terrifying under all that fluff."

Requiem pouted as I mused," You and Unla are nothing alike; I'm just pointing that out."

Requiem shrugged," That is fair. What do you say we get started? We can't keep fate waiting forever. I will admit this, though I have been looking forward to this since I met you three years ago."

Slightly stunned at this revelation," Well, color me impressed, Requiem. I thought this was to get revenge for Unla."

To my surprise, he shook his head," No, my brother wouldn't want me to kill for his revenge. His only wish was to die in battle. He once made me swear an oath that if he ever died in battle, I wouldn't go looking for revenge."

Shocked again, I groaned," Sheep's balls, this is the second time you have surprised me in the past two minutes."

He barked a laugh," I will admit that was creative swearing. Now, let us just get started."

Tendrils of darkness rushed at me as I flared blue-white flames, causing them to shift back. Spears of light on my command were sent, racing toward Requiem as he used his darkness to create a shield. Teleporting in front of him with my wings encased in the sun's flames, I slammed it into his shield, knowing that with the darkness blocking his vision, my wing cut through the darkness like butter. I slammed my wing into him, sending him flying towards a neighboring mountain. In an explosion of rocks, I was suddenly slammed into the ground seconds later. Requiem had indeed slammed into the mountain, obviously due to shards of rock stabbed into him. On his side, there was a severe burn from my flames burning him.

Still, on my back, he jumped into the air, stabbing down with a giant claw of darkness, rolling out of the way; I flung a wave of feathers at him as two tentacles of darkness swept them away instantly.

'His recovery is crazy fast. I can tell we see each other's capabilities before the battles become more serious.'

Covering my body in void lightning, I disappeared; in a sonic boom, I slammed my sharpened wings into him, aiming for his tendons. He howled in anger, grabbed me by the tail, and flung me to the ground, catching myself moments before hitting the ground. Again, I teleported above him, slamming my tail over his head; this time, I drove him to the ground, diving down after him. I drove my wing talon into his back while darkness wrapped around me. With such force, we slammed into the ground; any ordinary dragon or wyvern's body would have been shattered. A shockwave of dust and rock from the impact resulted from what happened.

Feeling sore, I rolled away, dazed, as Requiem groaned," Remind me not to do that again."

Both of us were going to be sore for a bit of a while. Reacting quickly, I jumped up and slammed Requiem in the gut with my tail. Requiem had caught it but was forced deeper into the pit. Opening my mouth, I released a torrent of flames as his eyes widened in shock. He seemed to sink into the earth, disappearing, my flames ripped into the ground, burning through it like tissue paper. Cursing while he spoke from out of the crater," Well, that was scary."

I glared at him," Just saying you are very annoying, even more so than Unla was."

He sat at the crater's edge," You are strong, though. Also, how did you knock me into the mountain at the beginning of this skirmish."

Deadpanned, I answered," I used my wing and smashed you into the mountain; that is how mountain licking cougar. Also, I will repeat what I called your brother pig-faced frog."

He laughed," Alright, I can see why you called him that, but how am I a mountain-licking cougar."

Lunging at him while his guard was down, I slammed my tail into his face and the mountain I initially slammed him into at the beginning of the skirmish.

I waited for him to get back down as he landed across from me, his eye twitching," You going to answer my question and not tail smack me in the face into the same mountain again?"

Looking around, I noticed that both sides were looking at us, shocked as I shrugged," Sure, you kissed a mountain twice now."

The realization dawned on him," You are dead?"

Snickering slightly," Your brother said the same thing, yet I am still alive."

I felt a heavy blow land sending me flying into the ground as I groaned," Well, that hurt."

I felt my wounds healing slowly as Requiem commanded his troops," Fall back. Xyverinos, let's see who is deadlier. Show me how you were able to kill my brother."

I replied," Likewise, Requiem."