Part III Chapter 47: End of the World Part I

Two months later

Standing around a field, Slyrak spat," Why is he here still?!"

I glared at him even if I knew that Slyrak held a grudge against Requiem as he was responsible for killing his father."

Spirit said softly," Xyverinos trusts him, and I do, too."

Slyrak snarled," He doesn't deserve any trust."

Requiem sighed," Slyrak, please, we cannot have infighting. We are at war with my father, who is twice the strength of Xyverinos and myself combined. Do you think that you don't need my help with this?"

Slyrak growled and sighed, calming down," I am sorry, Requiem; I guess I am still hurting from you killing my father. He was always a warrior and probably wouldn't want me to take revenge."

Requiem nodded," Alright, can we start talking strategy? My father knows what is going on; he will attack soon."

Nodding in agreement, Shyri spoke from beside me," Who will be on the frontlines?"

Cyvin growled," All of us, we are some of the strongest dragons and wyverns on the surface!"

Seldra snapped," Idiot, we are strong, yes, and Requiem is stronger than us."

Requiem sighed," While that may be true, we must also consider the injured in the last battles against me."

Shyri nodded," Yeah, though I swear you ordered the dark soldiers not to kill anyone."

Requiem chuckled," You caught me; yes, I did order them not to kill anyone, hinder them from fighting."

Flicking Requiem in the side, I focused on the task," Alright, so we took no casualties in the last battle with Requi here."

Requiem growled," What did you call me?!"

Enihieh snickered," Requi, that's a good one, Xyverinos."

Spirit addressed us seriously," Can I say something? We should let everyone else not take part in the battle against Unnin. Let them stay away from the battle. The battle will be us against him."

Typhoon spat," We can't defeat an entire army and still have enough energy to defeat Unnin."

I breathed," No Spirit is correct; we must let the others stay out of battle. They are debating whether or not they want to die. I could hear their thoughts from here. For some reason, the council members are coming here right now."

Looking towards the east, I noted a wing of dragons and wyverns headed towards us; in the lead, Elder Storm.

They landed not far from us and glared at Requiem as I snarled," Enough, he is on our side."

Rykyr chuckled," Should have known you wouldn't kill him. You want to create peace after all."

Nodding in consent as Elder Storm spoke," What were you talking about?"

Breathing out, I spoke," Just us against Unnin. No one else, not even you."

Shyri flicked her tail in worry," W-what about me? I am not strong or ridiculously powerful."

Twinning my tail around hers, I smiled," Shyri, you are great at healing magic; you heal us from a distance."

Elder Storm coughed as I looked at her," What about the others?"

Requiem said," They aren't taking part in the battle for two reasons. One, they will get in the way. The second they don't want to die, and I don't blame them, we are up against my father, the strongest creature on this planet by a large margin. Xyverinos and I might match barely half his full power with our own, even with magic amplifying our power, which brings us up to about seventy-five percent of his full power."

I breathed outwards," So even if we are in our equipollence state, he would overpower us completely."

Requiem nodded," Yeah."

Hardening my gaze," I have a question. Has there been at any point a change in his behavior?"

Requiem nodded," Actually, about two or two and a half centuries ago. He used to be a much kinder, always ready to help someone. He was more like me then and wished for peace. My brother Unla was the same way."

I muttered," I find that hard to believe."

Requiem nodded," Point taken, what do you think happened?"

I shrugged," I don't know, but I have a guess."

The ground began to shake rapidly as I looked at my fellow councilors," GO NOW! UNNIN IS BEGINNING TO MAKE HIS MOVE!"

The ground began to quake further, the ground splitting apart. The magnitude of the earthquake was increasing with each passing second.

I yelled," Light barrier technique: World of ANCIENTS!"

My strongest barrier, activated in a sphere of light, protected us from the groundbreaking awakening of a god in the flesh reaching from the pits of hell itself.

Grounds were breaking apart rapidly as Cyvin whispered," My word, what the hell is this power!"

Requiem shivered," The king of hell, my father, the son of the moon, reaching from our home in hell itself to the surface."

Typhoon gulped," Can we even beat him!"

Stepping forward as lava spat from the ground," We have to. We have no choice; this is a fight to save the world and create peace."

Seldra yelled out," Have I ever mentioned YOU ARE INSANE!"

Deadpanned," No, but I have heard you say that in your head multiple times."

Enihieh chuckled despite the situation at hand.

My barrier shook and dimmed slightly as the temperature began to drop further, as I flared a massive aura of energy from my grandmother, shielding us from the cold."

The darkness seemed to pulse from the largest aperture. A giant paw seemed to be coming out of the bottom of the crack and impale into the earth.


Requiem seemed to snap out of it as he released darkness and yelled," Dark barrier technique: Sphere of DARKNESS!"

Our magic powers swirled around us, combining light and dark and keeping us safe.

Another giant paw came out of the darkness as a booming voice came beneath," Finally! I have arisen!"

A head slowly appeared: a nose, a jaw, a whole head, big, glowing purple eyes, and a massive, powerful neck. Unnin was on the surface at long last. He turned to look at us as I clenched my jaw.

He roared, sending a shockwave across the world," Now the world will embrace darkness!"

Trembling in fear of the massive amount of bloodlust and power being released, I felt like an ant in comparison.

He pulled himself out as he stood fully on the surface; I could not comprehend his size; he was like five Elder Storms combined into one.