Part III Chapter 49: The Truth and the End of a Journey

My eyes were wide in shock as I tore out of his mind just when Unnin knocked out Requiem by sending him into a mountain. Frozen, he snarled lividly," You dare break into my mind!"

I breathed out slowly and carefully while I calculated,' So how do I break him out of the spell.'

Barely able to dodge the enraged king, I knew I had to act fast while I recalled the strange mark on the back of his neck.

Putting my wings to block the next attack, I felt the impact of his attack still break bones as I growled,' Great, so I can't block him! He is too powerful!'

Teleporting out of the way of his next attack, I drew my power out from my form as I focused on my friends and teleported them back home. I needed to try and force out Inferno's power, Draconic Power. It was a desperate move, but I needed to take this dramatic measure to defeat him.

I was calling forward all my power as the world tore apart. I knew an Angelic Wyvern should never do this, but Unnin was too powerful.

Releasing even more power as Unnin tried to stop me. Shadows fell overhead, and I could tell he summoned dozens of space junk. Asteroids, Meteors, and Comets. With one final tug, I released Draconic power. Everything disintegrated around me, the world turning to dust, while Unnin howled with pain while he tried to combat the power I was releasing. I knew I could incinerate the world if I didn't end this fast.

Disappearing at a much higher rate of speed, I hovered above him before diving down towards the mark on his neck; from the force I dove down, I slammed him into the ground. I forced a talon into the spell, destroying the spell, then searing his body from the heat of my Draconic power.

Jumping off him, I closed my eyes and closed off the valve to that power. Then, wobbling slightly as a voice entered my head," Grandson, that's a very reckless thing to do."

I sighed," I know, grandmother, I know. I had no choice but to force it open. Otherwise, the world as we know it could have ended. But, unfortunately, Unnin was too strong for me since he was in an equipollence state, meaning I had to reach an even greater power to win the battle."

My grandmother made a single sound," Humph, you could have won."

Deadpanned, I sighed," I love you, grandmother, but seriously, I am better with mental attacks. Also, you are just prideful."

That was not intelligent, especially to my grandmother, who is infinitely stronger than me. I heard my grandmother laugh," Fair enough, grandson. You better hope you don't join your parents in the afterlife soon. Expect chewing out from your parents, my daughter especially."

I shrugged as I watched Unnin begin to stir, finally opening his eyes as he looked angry and questioned," Xyverinos, what in the world happened?"

I answered," You don't remember?"

He shook his head as I breathed out and sighed," Can I place the memories into you? So you know what happened."

He nodded as I took all my memories of our fight and placed them into his head; he shrugged, and his purple eyes glowed in anger as I flared my aura and hissed," Enough! We have already destroyed the surface of this world enough. Please, no more fighting; I want peace."

He sighed," I'm sorry, Xyverinos. Can I ask you one thing? Can we create peace?"

I smiled," Yeah, I do."

Unnin stood up fully and laughed," You reminded me of Requiem when he was young! He was the same way. Unla was also the same."

Saddened about not being able to have known Unla, Unnin sighed," Unla was cursed by the galaxy wyverness who did this to us; how Requiem didn't get cursed, I will never know."

Requiem's voice came from behind us, his voice full of raw anger," That is because I stayed away from her; I was in my room at the time, Father."

Unnin looked guilty as he whispered," I am sorry, my son."

Shyri flew up beside Unnin and gapped at me as she flew at me, diving into me as she was crying softly. Then, wrapping my wings around her, I whispered," Sorry, I am so sorry I did that to you. I didn't want you in harm's way."

She was still crying as all her closest friends and family landed nearby. Finally, elder Storm gulped," Um, how did you win?"

I sighed," Two reasons. First, Unnin was under a spell, so I released him. The second I forced open Draconic power."

Everyone yelled," WHAT!"

I defended myself quickly," I wouldn't have won otherwise."

Unnin spoke up," He is right, no offense, Xyverinos. But, also, Xyverinos, how about we fix the landscape."

Understanding what he was saying, I winced slightly, letting Shyri go and nuzzling her," This will only be a moment."

Stepping beside Unnin, we summoned each element: fire, lightning, wind, water, earth, light, and darkness.

He spoke into my mind," Say this spell with me, Art of Nature: Return of Eden."

I nodded in understanding as we both spoke aloud at the same time," Art of Nature: Return of Eden!"

A single drop of each element touched the ground, and the moment light and dark touched the ground, the ground was glowing a golden yellow, as if it was healing. The golden yellow spread as far as I could see. I watched and felt everyone else awe and Unnin's amusement at our reactions. The ground rose, filling the pits; the trees grew to massive heights, and plants and flowers flourished. A river began to run behind us as the mountains also seemed to fix themselves. Even the parts that were disintegrated from my Draconic power grew back.

The world stopped glowing as Unnin sighed," Requiem, my son, can I talk to you alone?"

Requiem responded softly, calming down," Of course, father."

Moving towards Shyri, I opened my jaw to speak, gathering the courage to say," Shyri... Would you be my mate?"

Everyone gasped as Shyri looked up at me, shocked, and a giant grin covered her face; tears were in her eyes as she yelped," YES!"

She tackled me and pressed her snout against mine, kissing me as I wrapped my wings around her and whispered," It is over."

Elder Storm stuttered," W-what just happened?"

Rykyr laughed," Looks like a mating ceremony is in order!"

All my other friends were still shocked as Requiem and his father realized what happened, as they both felt happy due to the emotions.

I whispered," Shyri, thank you, and I love you."

She whispered back," I love you too, Xyverinos. Don't you are off the hook, though."

I chuckled nervously," I know."

I smiled,' I reached our goal, mother; peace is on Zaten.'