
Who are you?

TJ walked inside the cave and sees Aiden sitting and staring at some paper work. "What are you doing this time?" TJ asks as he sits beside Aiden. Aiden hands him a piece of paper and stares at the others. "I have been thinking about what to do after we get to Japan. If we make it." Aiden looked up from the papers and towards TJ. He pats TJ on the back and heads outside. TJ follows Aiden outside. "I had the plan of we go in and we blow it up. If we take out the brain of the operation the rest should fall apart, right?" TJ didn't respond. He looked at the grass and shrugged. "It depends if this is like a system. If we take out the mind and everything else falls apart. The infected act separated a bit but the more advanced seem to work together." TJ looks back towards Aiden. They head back inside of the cave and think of a plan. TJ walks outside a little bit later with his gauntlets on. He walks over to a tree and punches it. He continues to punch at the tree and try different combos until the ground shakes and he stops. He looks over his shoulder as Aiden comes running outside. "What was that?!" "I don't know, but I am gonna go find out." TJ went inside to grab his Ax. Aiden looked around and saw some bushes rustle in the distance. Aiden stared in that direction for a while until TJ came back outside with his Ax. "You good?" TJ askes putting his hand on Aiden's shoulder. Aiden nodded and went inside. He came back out with his gun. TJ and Aiden headed towards the sound they heard in the distance.

When Aiden and TJ arrived at the sound they see what looks like a factory. "That's where our house used to be." TJ whispers to Aiden. Aiden nods as mutated walks out of the factory. "What is that?" The mutated resembled a spider with a human head and it was about 7 feet tall. The spider jumped on the house and disappeared behind it. "There is no way we can investigate in there." TJ says looking back towards Aiden. Aiden thinks for a bit and nods. "That would be suicide." They both head back towards the forest. "It's getting dark. We should head to bed." Aiden sighs as he lays down on his makeshift bed. "We gotta wait for the boys to get back." TJ moved a stone over the entrance of the cave and lays against the wall of the cave. "I guess. I just hope they don't kill everything. I want a challenge." Aiden scoffed and rolled over on his side. They both went to sleep unaware of the noises happening outside the cave.

When TJ woke up he saw a Zero staring at him. He punched it in the face. Grabbed his ax and stabbing in the chest. He pulled out his Ax and looked to where Aiden should be and saw he was missing. He ran outside to see Aiden get knocked into a tree. Aiden struggled getting up as a infected jumps towards him. TJ runs over and releases a three hit combo on the infected finishing it was a ax to the chest hitting the core. He kicked the infected away and it hit the spider from yesterday. The spider yelled out at them and dashed forward. TJ dodged the spider's dash attack. TJ jumped backwards to dodge the spider's second attack. As TJ distracted the spider Aiden shoots in the head. The spider quickly turns around and get shot in the eye. It yells out in pain and swipes at Aiden who barely dodges it. TJ cuts off on of the spider's leg causing it to fall over. He climbed on its back and stabbed it in the abdomen. The spider screamed out in pain and tossed TJ away into a tree. TJ hits his head against the tree and goes unconscious. Aiden struggles to get up as the spider explodes and the head crashes into Aiden knocking him into the cave.

When TJ and Aiden woke up they were tied together with webs. They struggled to move but failed. "Well well well. It seems you guys are finally awake." Aiden and TJ both stopped and looked to see who just spoke to them. They saw multiple spiders and Zeros surrounding them. A single Zero walked into view. "Hello Aiden and TJ. How are you doing today?" "Who are you?" Aiden replied confused on how the Zero was talking. "My apologies. My name is SAV. Sentient Audio Virus. I'm the one who started all of this. I have been watching you guys from a distance and you guys are pretty intelligent and powerful. Too powerful. Sadly it is the end of the line for you guys. I don't want you guys ruining my plan." SAV stopped to allow Aiden and TJ to take in what happened. "So what are you gonna do to us?" TJ asked secretly knowing what is gonna happen. "You guys are special. You will be infected, but I am gonna let you choose what happens to you. What type of mutant you become." The spiders picked up Aiden and TJ once SAV finished and carried them towards the factory.

Once inside the factory Aiden and TJ were put on a conveyor belt and SAV stared at them. "Have fun boys." SAV snapped and a sound played. The conveyor belt moved down the line and once Aiden and TJ entered a room SAV moved into a room and watched through a one way glass. Aiden and TJ are heard screaming and yelling and SAV stands and watches. SAV smiles as the transformation begins.

Few hours passed and TJ and Aiden came out on the other side of the room. SAV stood as they both appeared. "Hello Aiden and TJ or should I say Tiden." Tiden got off the conveyor and smiled. "Hello boss." "Hello Tiden. Now let's go meet your friends." SAV and Tiden walked out of the factory and back towards the forest.