
Confused by his words, my hand instinctively reached my virgin chin, lightly stroking my non existing beard as I waited for him to elaborate.

"I'm guessing my words confused you so let me explain."

"Your three previous lives weren't real, well technically they were but in essence, they weren't you."


"Upon inception, you had a soul so egregiously powerful that it would be impossible for you to be born with a consciousness and ego that matched its strength."

"So I split your nascent mind in three and sent it through the myriads of worlds to experience life and gain a mind able to bare your soul, thankfully it worked."

Baffled, I found myself empty of words, my mind reliving my last three lives as a sense of surrealness took ahold of me.

Was it all fake?

All of it?

"Who are you and assuming what you're saying is true, how were you able to split my mind or even access my soul?"

"I am Vulkron, your life bond, something unique to our True clan. In other words, I am your older brother."

"My life bond? The beast and human synergy thing?"

"That's an overly simplified vulgarisation but yes."

"If that's the case, from what I know, we should've been born at the same exact moment. If that's the case, how were you able to know what to do when your mind was supposedly just as nascent as mine and also how come you know so much about our clan? From what you're saying, none of us should be born yet." I calmly uttered, my voice slightly colder than it had previously been.

Lightly chuckling, he answered.

"While it is true that we will be born at the same exact moment and were conceived as one, I existed in a place called the Void Heaven of Eternal Chaos for longer than I could possibly count. You were there too, your mind was just too primitive to compute any of the complexity of such a world."

"You were too weak and young at the time so I protected you as we aimlessly floated around. Not even a thank you?"

As my lips parted to argue, a flood of memories assaulted my mind as I lived years upon years of solitude from Vulkron's perspective, his point proven.

"You couldn't have done that from the beginning?" I asked with a grin, my worries having completely vanished.

"Oh? You're gonna believe me? Just like that? I could've falsified those memories you know."

"Pfff! As if. The memories are more than believable and even in the unlikely case that you're tricking me, I don't care. I know what I'm capable of." I said with a smile, the end of my words leaving him slightly befuddled but this confusion quickly vanished before he broke out laughing.

"Hahaha! I like you already, little brother!"

"There was no need to add that at the end."

"Add what?" He asked, as if clueless, to which I only smiled before moving on.

"So what now? Do I just go into slumber until we are eventually born?"

"No, not now at least. You need to consolidate all the gains of your previous lives."

"Gains? What are you talking about? I thought they were fake?"

"The higher the soul potential, the higher the dream affinity. With your current dream affinity, the boundary between dreams and reality is non-existent."

"I have a dream affinity? Since when?"

"I just explained it. Strong soul equals strong dream affinity. Anyways, let's get to it."

Frowning in annoyance at this whale's confusing words I could only sigh as I sat cross legged.

"You can't control your soul yet so I'll do it for you, your task is gonna be to stabilise everything I summon, okay?"


Closing my eyes, I emptied my mind as my entire being fell into a trance of intense focus.

From my days as a mortal to my last days as an eldritch, if there was one thing that never changed, it was my ability to become tunnel visioned.

Within the void we were in, all around me, a cloud of multicoloured heavenly energies appeared as I felt my entire being be restructured as a few constructs formed in front of me.

Calmly opening my eyes, a grin appeared on my face as I finally understood what Vulkron was planning.

"You're gonna have to start explaining things instead of always acting all mysterious older brother." I calmly said.

"Bla bla, just say thank you."

In front of me, four cores had formed.

My cores of [Holy Destruction] and [Sinful Creation] that I had formed during my time as an Angel.

My cores of [Eldritch Ascendancy] and [Paragon Truth] I had formed as an Eldritch God.

In an another instant, six seeds appeared, encircling the four cores.

Seed of Exior, Seed of Nullity, Seed Of Nirvana, Seed Of The Beyond, Seed of Outer Eternity and Seed of Everlasting Chaos.

In the middle of my four cores, a new seed appeared.

Seed of Dreams and Nightmares.

"Though your cores and seeds have an infinite amount of potential , currently they are trash, horribly so. They're so weak, any decent junior from our clan would be able to defeat you if you used them."

"What?! You realise I ascended to Godhood with these cores right?"

"Doesn't matter. The chaos heavens you were in were the trashiest of trashes out there. I had to send you there so no slumbering expert caught a whiff of you."

"Don't worry though, you are currently still an embryo, as we grow and mother feeds us, your powers will explode. Trust me."

"If you say so…"

Focusing back on my four cores and six seeds, my mind reached out as I reconnected them to my existence.

A sense of euphoria overcame me as I felt myself ascend, a rush of unending power coursing through my soul.

Waking up from my daze, my gaze sharpened as in a swift motion, my soul was sealed and put dormancy as my ego separated from it.

"Before you go, here."

A stream of information reached my mind as I couldn't help but wonder at the complexity of such a technique.

"This is gonna help you absorb whatever mother feeds you better and make your growth more optimal."


"I'll be seeing you at birth." Uttered Vulkron as his humongous figure dimmed and he slowly fell into a deep state of slumber, a huge amount of void essence oozing off of his body.

"Bastard couldn't even give me a proper goodbye." I said with a smile.

Closing my eyes, the world seemed to infinitely spin and shatter before I found myself within someone's womb, my mind quickly waning as a sense of comfort and warmth overtook me.

Quickly activating the technique Vulkron had given me, my mind too, fell into a long period of slumber.