Origin Mark(II): The Trial

The more they conversed, the brighter the smile on Orion's smile seemed to become as he came to a realisation.

'An innate battle Goddess!'

Around the worlds, people could be born with special constitutions, organs, bloodlines but there was also something called Divine dispositions.

Though he didn't know if he had any special constitutions, Orion was sure he had special bloodlines, from his parents and something he called 'Sage Disposition'. This was essentially what allowed him to easily decipher things and understand foreign concepts.

Though it was barely in its infancy stages, it was already enough to allow him to complete a dream trial in record time.

Considering this and what Sarah had been saying, she too had a disposition, the Battle Goddess disposition!

What did it do?

Wasn't it obvious?

"Wait! So you're saying that by cancelling the rotation of my wrists during a thrust I can effectually double my power and invoke a celestial resonance effect?! How?! What if my bones sn-"

Before Orion could continue, he felt a powerful arm wrap around his shoulder as a mix of blood force and essence lingered around.

"Sup' cousin?"

With short, slicked back ashen hair, piercing golden eyes and beautiful amethyst runes etched onto his neck, the boy was charming to say the least.

"I suppose, you're Zanthar?" Said Orion with a smile.

The power he could feel flowing through his cousin's body was so terrifying he hadn't seen anything like it in any of his lives. Instead of terrifying him, it only excited him as his lust for battle was riled up.

"Oh? You know me?" He asked, a bit surprised.

Hera was the granddaughter of Lucius Orcleon Reizon and Layla Void, so obviously as the Heir of the Reizon, Zanthar was related to Orion.

"My mother often talks about gramps and how similar he is to you, of course I know you."

Hearing him being compared to their great grandfather, Zanthar couldn't help but proudly smile as he ruffled Orion's hair, greatly irritating him in the process.

"Hehe, I'll take the compliment. Why have you never come to the clan though? Gramps' been complaining about not seeing any of us recently, same for nana."

"I'm only two years old." Said Orion in confusion.

How could he possibly have the time to do anything? He'd just gotten here!

Hearing this, both Sarah and Zanthar found themselves stumbling as they processed Orion's words.

"You're what?! Tw-"


A loud gong sound reverberated, interrupting their conversation as thirteen floating platforms appear floating around in a circle.

"The trial will soon start, please get on a platform."

"Alright, we gotta go. Good luck, you better not die!" Said Zanthar as he teleported away.

"Mm! You can't die! Not before we battle, at least…!" Added Sarah, mischievously chuckling as she teleported away as well.

Left dumbfounded, Orion could only sigh as he spoke.

"Good luck." He said, his voice laced with dream force as his words reached their minds.

Calmly walking up to an empty floating platform, Orion shadow stepped to it before he sat down cross legged and closed his eyes.

As he calmed down and focused, getting ready to risk his life, the pressure around him slightly increased.

The atmosphere became as tense as ever as none of the Heirs spoke, all utterly focused. These were the most talented and blessed youths of the entire Chaos Heavens and possibly beyond.

From the center of the room, thirteen crystal orbs containing various runes appeared, all heading toward a Heir.

As soon as his orbs touched him, Orion felt a searing heat spread through his mind as something was branded within him before the world around him shifted and transformed.

Opening his eyes, Orion found himself falling from the skies.

His first instinct was to immediately summon his wings but he could only bitterly smile as he realised he wasn't a seraphim anymore.

Surprisingly, his darkness element seemed to have a mind of its own as three pairs of dark feathered wings sprung out of his back.

His changpao compressed as dark scales appeared all around his body.

With a flap of his wings, Orion had travelled millions of miles.

Looking around, he frowned as he sensed something form all around him.

The endless forest around him violently shook as the stars that filled the night sky dimmed.

The earth rumbled and the heavens thundered as the phantoms of three hundred gigantic dragons encircled Orion.

Before he could react, their presence solidified and their auras fully pressed onto Orion, taking him off guard.

His body was sent flying into the forest below him, creating a massive crater.

Orion violently puked blood as his bones shattered and his organs turned to paste, his mind unable to compute anything of what had just happened.

'Did I just get… slapped? By a mere lizard's aura? Me?!'

His body which had turned into a jumbled mess of flesh and bones immediately healed as his blood force surged to life.

His dragon bloodline violently roared to life as his wings widely spread and his obsidian scales became covered in pure white runes.

Fueled by his wrath, his infernal scallion bloodline powered him even more as his gaze flickered with unbridled flames of anger and pride.

His aura which had been steadily rising, suddenly burst once more as he vanished.

Reappearing in the skies, with a magnificent golden spear in hand, Orion's body torqued as he gathered momentum.

[Celestial Record: Punishment.]

Massive condensed blades of energy suddenly appeared all around the forest as the dragons found themselves restricted by the overbearing Dao that acted as the base of Orion's art.

In an instant, they shot at the dragons at inconceivable speeds but Orion didn't seem to be satisfied as his body burst into even more power, his figure surrounded by tongues of dark blue flames and arcs of obsidian lightning.

[Hellish Echo: Demonic Dust.]

Upon his blade's edge, the very essence of hell gathered, supported by Orion's terrifying Void flames and Heaven sealing lightning.

Akin to the undeniable judgement of a God, Orion's blade fell in a perfect arch.


The result of his two stacked Dao arts was terrifying to say the least.

The beautiful forest full of life and vegetation had completely disappeared, replaced by a wasteland, void of any life, resources or laws.

The three hundred dragons that had proudly stood in the air were all reduced to ashes as Orion showed no mercy whatsoever.

Proudly standing in the air, akin to a demonic deity with his dark wings, majestic face and terrifying aura, Orion's rage didn't seem to have dwindled.

Just as he started to calm down, the ashes of the exterminated dragons gathered and pooled a few meters away from him as they formed an ashen portal.

From the portal, a figure walked out.

"To think that these lands would have such a genius."