
His hair had grown to cover his entire back as it glistened with a cosmic glow. His figure seemed to be of the utmost holiness as his mere presence purified the surrounding qi streams.

His gaze had become sharper yet anyone that met it would feel an endless amount of comfort and purity flowing through their souls.

His body was enshrouded by thick clouds of blood force as the pressure his body naturally emitted shot through the roof.

Releasing a heavy, steamy breath, Orion sat back down.

Spending a few minutes to calm the raging blood force that coursed through him, he couldn't help but wonder at its sheer amount and quality.

"[Inner Display.]"

[Analysing data…]


[Bloodline: Holy Scrivion of Hope.

•Mutations: Immunity to all forms of poison(relative to your realm), Major damage immunity to forces that do not contain forms of energy at the immortal grade or above, constant blood purification, soul purification, mind purification, Holy presence.


•Purification: You represent the epitome of purity as your very existence repels corruption and depravity. You are able to purify anything within the mortal realms of creation and slightly affect immortal entities. Your purification is not bound by laws as you can dictate what is deemed as impure or pure.

•Holy Ascendency: Under the ray of dawn, your holy existence will endlessly ascend as your throne within the heavens falls upon you. Your power can feed upon the Hope of all life.]

"Good stuff. I'll have to find a way to link these abilities with my spear forms though." He calmly said.

Waving his hand, a patch of the surrounding space wildly vibrated before a void hole appeared, threatening to suck the entirety of Orion's cave away.

With another wave of his hand, a flood of endless darkness filled the room as it managed to mend the shattered laws.

'Y- What?! You can already use the sealing aspect of darkness?! How did you create that void tear?!' Asked Vulkron in shock.

'How many times do I have to tell you this? Controlling elements is as easy as breathing for me. I created them. And I managed to create that tear by purifying that specific zone of all laws.'

'Tsk, show off…'

'Here goes the old man again with his dementia…truly saddening…' thought Orion with a deep, heartfelt sigh.

Vulkron didn't even have the time to get angry as Orion moved on.

[Bloodline: Emperor Phoenix of Life and Death.

•Mutations: Immunity to mortal ice and flames, minor immunity to death and destruction, enhanced stamina, enhanced endurance


•Emperor Source of Nirvana: As the ruler of the bridge that connects life and death, you hold a minor authority over the cycles of existence.

•Phoenix Rebirth: The trademark ability of all true lords of life and death. You are able to survive death nine times at the hands of any mortal existence and once under the hands of an immortal.]

"As expected." He uttered as he stood up.

His heart lightly quivered before rows upon rows of ancient scrolls appeared all around him.

From their aura, any powerful enough cultivator would've been able to tell that these were Dao arts, powerful ones.

Orion's gaze sharpened even more as his thoughts sped up and he formed an even stricter training regime.

Throughout his entire lives, he'd always been a man of utmost discipline and dedication. Whenever he did something, he put his entire soul and heart into it. He would never be second at anything.

He loved till he had nothing more left in himself, he fought till his body crumbled and studied till his soul shattered.

To say Orion was an obsessed psychopathic being was an understatement.

On top of this obsession, he had been raised by old man Lakria to absolutely abhor imperfection within himself.

Old man Lakria wasn't abusive and nor did he brainwash him but as his first parental figure, how could he grow up not wanting to be like him?

He never expected anything of anyone else but the amount of self hate and scrutiny he held for himself was beyond what most could imagine.

He had lost his wives three times because he was pathetically weak, he had lost all his descendants because he was weak, he had lost his brothers because he was weak.

The amount of anger and trauma sealed within him from all those years was something only Vulkron could truly understand.

Ever since his true birth, he hadn't slept a single night without having horrible nightmares of his past. No matter how much Vulkron told him that it wasn't real, the pain and love he had felt was very real.

But who was he?

Was he not the man that fought an endless wave of foreign aliens alone? Was he not the one that killed the god of his chaos Heaven? Was he not the one to destroy entire races for the blood of his family?

Despite all this self hate, doubt and trauma he hadn't crumbled and he would never.

He'd simply get better, stronger and smarter. The trauma and pain he felt would serve as a reminder.

As Orion fell deeper and deeper into his thoughts, his Infernal Hellion Devourer bloodline involuntarily activated as flames of wrath and gluttony blazed within his pupils.

Seeing this, Vulkron could only sigh in defeat. Though Orion usually joked around and smiled, this was the true him.

A determined man.



Snapping out of his trance Orion noticed the crimson runes and flames that had crept up his skin as the heat in the surroundings had spiked so much the cave had turned to molten lava.

Devilishly smiling, Orion shadow stepped to another cave.

It was time for him to train.


As Orion's madness reached new peaks, the world kept moving.

Standing upon Vilgax's back, Hera and Eros bore pensive looks as they headed to yet another meeting.

This one was particularly important since it was the last one they'd have before they departed.

Stepping off of Vilgax's back, a familiar scene of floating land masses and golden flowing rivers of essence greeted them as they immediately headed toward the main conference room.

Meeting the other leaders, solemn head nods were exchanged as they all silently sat in their respective seats.


The room's silence was broken by the sound of high heels as a lady appeared at the forefront of the table.

With long golden hair, piercing crimson pupils and a face carved by Heaven's most skilled craftsmen, she stood unbothered.

Her curvaceous figure was draped in long silky grey robes embroiled in golden designs.

Her aura was beyond tyrannical as all the leaders felt their soul quake and hearts squeeze as her gaze panned across the room.

Pulling her seat, she sat.

"Greetings, I am the Ancient Seer."

"My name is Sylvianna Estor, princess from the fallen Estorios Empire from the Celestial Reality of Olden. I am the only being to have survived the purge of the ancient republic."