Cogs in a machine

Releasing a deep breath, Orion sighed in defeat.

It made no sense and he couldn't figure out anything of what was happening.

"Even with all the vast power I've recently gained, I'm still too weak…" He absentmindedly said, his gaze burning with fierce flames of ambition.

Although at this current moment Orion could subdue Gods, fight Sovereigns and hold his own, he knew that was only the case for the worst of the worst trashes in existence.

Xie could've most likely killed him with a mere gaze if his mind wasn't in chaos due to the amount of time he'd spent sealed. If the old man he had just apprehended wasn't severely weakened and afraid of his bloodline, Orion would've been squashed before he realised it.

Even then, talents of his caliber existed all throughout existence. Even just the current Heirs of the other Heavenly clans absolutely dwarfed him.