
As Orion faced the immeasurably tall wall that Lucius seemed to be, the world, as usual, kept moving.

Lavaros stood unblemished in a field of corpses within a forest as he used a napkin to wipe the few drops of blood that had managed to touch him.

At his foot, the man Thorion had been reporting to a few a days ago stood, or rather lay limbless, his body covered in blood as he begged and begged for the pain to stop.

If Orion could be said to be an adept at torture then Lavaros was a Grandmaster at it.

"Pl-ple-please……I'm sorry…pl-sorry…I'm-plea-sorry…sorr…" Unintelligible mushes of words escaped the man's mouth as he pleaded with all that he had left.

"Hm? Ah, my apologies. Here you go."

Lavaros waved his hand and the man's will shattered alongside his mind, finally bringing an end to his pain.