Endless Star Paradise(II)

Suddenly, before he could think any further , a third being shot out of his chest.

It was a dark figure shrouded in thick amethyst essence that seemed to contain and endless amount of scintillating stars.

The three beings looked at each other before their auras soared to the very heavens, displaying power Orion could barely compute.


His heart fiercely thumped as it shot out of his chest, not his normal dragon heart, no, his Myriad God Hearte.

The three beings pulled at the three essences contained within it, the ones he'd gained when he formed his True God intent; The Silver Essence, The Golden Essence and The White Essence.

Orion still didn't really know what those essences were or what had happened to his heart but as he looked at those three figures pull at them, he suddenly felt like maybe these three essences were the most beautiful things he'd ever layed his eyes on.