Blessed Child Of Chaos

A torrent of golden flames descended from the endlessly dark skies of the world, showering her with its glory as her aura soared and her bandages slowly withered away, allowing the world to witness the beauty of her deep azure pupils.

A lond rusty katana sprouted from the earth as the golden flames were channeled within her runes and she took ahold of her blade, her aura erupting once again with divine momentum.

On the other side, Orion didn't wait to be hit to react. As soon as he'd seen the flames descending, he'd immediately began preparing.

His silver hair bust into a mane of dark blue and obsidian flames as all his other elements were supressed by his Infernal Void Flames and Heaven sealing lightning.

His pupils, which were previously a swirling ocean of silver, gold and white suddenly turned into a never ending expanse of ethereal dreams as rose runes flickered within the depths of this expanse.