
The amount of transgressions Orion had piled up were nonsensical. It was an assured death sentence.

He'd transgressed the laws of Heaven, ordered the laws of Heaven to act agaisnt their nature and above it all, he'd killed someone using that power gained from such heretic acts.

Though he knew Abdelia wasn't dead, did the Heavens know? Of course not!


A snort coming from Vulkrom echoed out and a wave of azure essence washed the entirety of the realm, greatly reducing the incoming tribulation, right at the line where it wouldn't kill Orion but it'd for sure incapacitate him.

"Oh, what a bastard…"

"Arrogant brat. Be happy I even acted. I should've left you to die and let mother and father revive you or look for your soul in the after life."

"So I'm guessing this is supposed to be a lesson?"
