Dimensional Home

Because you, dear readers showed your first support for my work today

through PowerStones and Comments, I wanted to show my appreciation with another chapter.

Thank you very much. It's always feels good when people li,e the work you are doing.


Six months later


Anluan is now bigger than me by a good 20 centimeter.

He became a little to big to go through the hatch to my attic,

so we moved his bed to the living room for now.

Dad and mom are concerned about his growth spurt, so I must hurry with my space magic.

On that topic I made good progress.

Around 2 years ago I started to train my space magic and my previous

'Inventory' with a capacity of 4 cubic meters has grown to more than 400m³.

It's still two meter in height, but the room is nearly the size of 15×15 meters.

That is double the size of my attic!

More importantly to the size, I found another change since a few months back.

The usually black color of the magic circle in the air from 'Inventory' becomes

brighter. Now the colour is more of a grey like the fur of Anluan.

That shows the size should be enough for the intermediate spell 'Dimensional Home'.

My amount of mana also expanded with the daily usage of 'Inventory'.

That is the reason I now start another training session for 'Dimensional Home' after my

initial failure.

I concentrate and envision a space filled with earth, air and a bit of mana.

I try to see how my pets can enter it and live there comfortably.

I chant "Dimensional Home".

Even if I learned spells don't need a chant, it helps to learn new spells.

How I would know that if I already learned 'Inventory' and 'Tame'?

Well taming magic isn't restricted to building a contract with the beast.

There are a couple of magic spells related to familiars.

That is why I learned the spell 'Shared sensation' which is a spell

to share a sense with your contracted beast.

I learned it as it is a good way for scouting. So I practiced with Anluan and shared his vision

and later his sense of smell.

Let me tell you, dogs have a smell so good, I didn't wanted to share it for a week, because my

brain was overloaded with all kinds of smell, some could be a few days old.

But back to 'Dimensional Home'

After my chant a magic circle appeared, but it was still grey, so there seems still something I missed.

I looked out of the window to the garden.

Sis was playing with Anluan. Seems like a run to the nearby lake.

Lake. Water. Water as form of life? It always is called liquid life, so maybe if I think of adding a lake or river to my space, it could work?

Let's try. "Dimensional Home". Nevertheless it became brighter, but not the white circle it should become.

It seems I lack something else. But what? Earth, water and air are available. I added some mana.

What else could my beasts need?

As I look outside to get another inspiration, I see Minerva landing on the rooftop above.

She looked at me shortly before starting to fly a new round. And as her wings hold her in the air, I get an idea.

Gravity or better said a core that holds everything together.

I didn't think of that, only earth as something to stand on.

So a new try it is.

Envision a core that holds my small world together. The earth of the land, the river of the water.

Pulling the air to the land so it doesn't escape in the empty space around. Adding a little bit of mana.

"Dimensional Home".

A bright white light comes from the magic circle next to me. Finally I succeeded.

I feel the inside also expanded I comparison to 'Inventory'. I think it tripled directly.

I now have a space for all my future pets.

My path as a tamer can start.