
After the summer, I lend a lot of animal books from the library in the next muggle town.

I did that to gain knowledge on how to train my sister Nymph.

Or to be specific her ability of the metamorphagus.

Metamorphagi have the ability to change their appearance to

other persons or animals, as you could see in the Order of the phoenix

when Nymph changes her face to a pig nose or duck beak at the dinner table.

It was only to make the others laugh, but I thought this ability had a lot of potential.

At her auror training she got a perfect score for concealment, which implies

that she could change into other persons looks, so I want to train her ability

for animals.

She could get night vision with the eyes of an owl.

Smell like a dog.

A natural form of my magic 'Shared Sense'.

But to be able to do that, the metamorphagus needed the knowledge in what to change into.

Otherwise it would only look like it and don't have the sense of the change.

So now I search for animal parts that would have a good potential to keep her safe.

After a few books, I created a list with good talents:

- Night vision of an owl

- Nose of a dog to track

- Echolocation of a bat

-Vipers heat-vision

I think those should be enough for the beginning to train her.

With my gained experience and the related books with illustrations under my arm,

I go to find my sister.

Because it's forenoon, I found her dozing on the couch.

"Sis I got a great idea!"

"What is it, Nici?", she asked with a sleepy voice.

"You are a metamorphagus, right."


"What can you change into, I wonder."

"Ask and your awesome sister shows you her capabilities.", she says with fire in her eyes this time.

I don't know if she likes to brag or if she wants to be seen as a capable older sister by me.

"Can you simply change into other face features or also into animal parts?", I ask innocently.

"See and be astonished!"

Then she makes a show for me by changing her hair colour and lenght.

At the end she even imitates Anluan's ears, but I could see she focused hard and is a little tired afterwards. Is it stamina or mana consumption. I'll see in the future.

"Wow sis your awesome. I just got some animal books about the wonderful talents of animals.

Do you want to try and see if you can use the abilities?"

As I said this she seemed interested, so I explain an ability to her and show her the illustrations.

She then practiced the change and after more than a month, she could use the owls night vision.

Maybe because of Minerva as a living example, she had an easier time.

So every couple of months I come with a new ability she learns and after the first

even mom and dad saw the huge potential it could bring Nymph.


So we spent nearly two years.

The next summer Claire also teached us and in the summer before Nymph goes to Hogwarts,

mom wants to train her a little.

Now we are shopping for sis in Diagon Alley.

Our parents bought a trunk and quill and paper, while Nymph gets measured by Madam Malkins.

After that she goes to Ollivanders and I accompany mom to get Nymph's potion equipment.

Dad waits till she is finished and walks with sis to meet up with us at the bookstore Flourish&Blotts.

Aside from buying the schoolbooks for first years, Nymph buys one book on Quidditch.

I get a book on magical creatures by the known author Scamander.

Even mom buys one about rare healing concoctions and ointments.

At the end we ate an ice cream at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour.

On the first of september we send her of to Hogwarts.

She cried a little and asked mom if I could be her carry-on baggage.

I smiled at that and told her to make a few friends and write me about her adventures

at Hogwarts.

She promised and climbed determined in the train.


Hello readers,

I wish you a nice weekend.

Because I have some freetime today and tomorrow,

there may be some extra chapters.

If you have some ideas for Nymphedoras ability,

comment below.

Till then.