
The next week I organized my requirements for the Room of Requirements, that I plan to visit at the next weekend.

First and foremost it must not let anybody in or detect I am inside, if possible not even Dumbledore.

Don't want to be on his radar as a future dark lord for using unknown magic.

Second of all I need enough space for training Anluan. If it could be in an outside scenery, I think he would be happier, but because it is a room maybe some paint or wallpaper is alright.

To train him I thought of an obstacle course, I saw in dogtraining shows, but in his size of course.

That would probably make it an horse hurdle at this point, so maybe I should try riding him?

I want to mainly train his agility and jumping lenght and height, so aside from hurdles I want some

swinging punchingbags he should dodge.

My third requirement is a playground for my kneazles. They earned it and I want all three of my familiars to be happy.

To train myself, I would practice to entagle or shield some practice dummys the room could creat.

That way I could improve both Charms and Transfiguration.

But now on Friday morning, I found myself in the face of a big challenge.

My mom wrote me a letter. She rightfully suspects, I smuggled Anluan with me into Hogwarts,

because he doesn't come home even to eat.

So after my double-class charms, I wrote her a letter back and try to make her understand that Anluan would have been unhappy without me at home and I take good care of him. I even begged her to keep him here.

Her response arrived the next day. Poor Minerva for almost flying nonstop three times the distance from home to here.

I see her handwriting as angry and the content is of the same opinion.

She said it was irresponsible to smuggle Anluan. What I am more surprised about is that she she seems more disappointed, I didn't talk to them and try to find a solution as a family.

She said I need to explain the situation to McGonnagal and get her agreement or she would come and take him back herself.

With hanging shoulders, I made my way to the Deputy Headmistress office.

Because it is saturday, she should be there as no classes are happening on weekends.

I knock and hoped she be somewhere else, to delay the conversation, but heard quickly a

"Come in.", so I go in.

"Professor, I need to talk to you. Do you have some time?"

"Mr. Tonks, I didn't expect you, but sure, we can talk.", she says while looking at me sternly. I think she doesn't forget, why she couldn't teach our first class.

"I need to confess something to you."

"Go ahead."

"You know how every student is allowed to bring a pet to Hogwarts."

"Of course.", she responds.

"Well I also bring one, but it wasn't one of the pets mentioned on the list, so I smuggled him in."

"Oh dear. Why didn't you ask beforehand if you could bring it. Wouldn't be the first time we allowed students to bring other animals and because you live alone in your dorm, I don't see a problem. So, what is your pet."

"A dog, madam.", I answer truthfully, but she looks at me with her eyes as if she knew it wasn't the full truth, so I explain: "Well Anluan is a relatively big dog, which is mostly related to his breed and I thought the school would be against it, because other students could fear him. Addinionally, I couldn't know, I would have my own dorm, so to speak."

"Now I would like you to answer truthfully.", she starts and I nod. "How did you smggle a big dog in the school."

At this question, I smile. "The same way, I smuggled him here.", I say and show her my pouch.

"Are you telling me you have a space expanding pouch, that can hold living creatures?"

"Wouldn't be the first student to have one, now would I?", I answer cheeky but honestly.

I know of at least Scamander, but I bet there were more.

"Is your dog always in the pouch?"

"I let him out one hour each in the morning and evening but in a place without people present.", I answer even if did that only this week.

"Get him out and let me have a look."

"Yes Ma'am!", I say and open my pouch on the floor and let it look as if he comes from within, through he is stepping out of 'Dimensional Home' in reality.

I would appreciate her look of surprise at the horse-sized dog, if her opinion isn't important, if he could stay.

"Blimey, that is certainly a more than relatively big dog." I think that was her first curseword, even if it's mild.

"He is an Irish Wolfshound and I have him since I was around 5. He is well trained. Anluan, down.",

I command him with the voice to underline it for her, even though the bond alone is enough.

After he lays down I say: "Give paw."

His raised paw is right in front of McGonnagals hand and either because of curiosity or shock, she holds it.

"He is certainly well-trained, but I don't think he should be kept indoor, so.."

"I could take him daily to Hagrid. He also has two dogs and he knows a lot about animals.", I interrupt before she can end her sentence. As I see she still thinks about it, I try some honest begging:

"Please, professor McGonnagal. I didn't find friends till now and he gives me some reliability at this new place." Well although it's honest, I simply didn't make friends because of missing motivation till now.

"Fine. But under three conditions, Mr. Tonks."

"Yippie. Thanks, professor. What do you have in mind?"

"You need to go daily to Hagrid like you said and need to keep your dog away from other students.

Lastly you need to make some friends till the winterbreak or he has to stay at home after it. Three at a minimum. Do you understand?"

"Yes. Thank you for the opportunity. One question though, are future friends allowed to see him?"

"If you bring them with you to Hagrid. And don't use him as a means to make friends. You make them and then you can show them. Are we clear?"

"Crystalclear, madam."

And so I had a new task.

Time to find a certain room.