
December, Train after leaving Hogsmaede 

Before you know it, four months flew by.

At the end, McGonnagal counted even the girls as friends, so Anluan can stay as long as the other two conditions are followed. 

Good thing she doesn't know about Mani and Asteria, but I plan to ask her at the end of the schoolyear, if students can have multiple pets.

Should be allowed, but I don't want to ask now, as I just got out of this trouble.

Waiting a couple of months should bring her nerves down. 

We are now on our way home. By we I include Cedric, Linda and Eli as we share a compartment, as well as my sister next door.

I didn't plan much for my first year at Hogwarts and only want to learn to visit the Forbidden Forest as fast as I can, while taking safety measures. Helping Nymph and Charlie with their O.W.L.s as best as I can is one of the few things on my list, but I don't have the knowledge of fifth-years, so some guides on foundations should be appreciated. Maybe some additional books help, but the librarian

Madam Pince didn't allow me to take some literature over the holidays.

Anyways, on our way we share our holiday festivities with the others. 

Eli has some quiet holidays with her family and Linda flies to France with her parents.

Cedric has some activities at christmas, but his father has a lot of work in the ministry, so after asking for my parents permission I want to invite him over for a couple of days.

An old saying goes: Time is faster when you are having fun.

And I find it true, because as our conversation continued, I already could see the train Station not far away. Kings Cross is not as full on platform 9¾ as in summer, but the muggle part is overcrowded. Mom cried a little, but sis is already in her fifth-year so no new sight to see.

Still got an earful on our way home, because I smuggled Anluan, but like before mostly because I didn't tell them. 

Christmas was an homely event with our grandparents who still lived coming over.

I owled Cedric and he will come over for 4 nights around new year. 

The presents weren't the greatest, but still useful. Nymph gave me her notes on her first year, which didn't include much and a boomerang to play catch with Anluan.

Mom and dad gave me dog food and some pocket money, but couldn't find a great personal gift this time. I appreciate it nonetheless. Can't be a frequent visitor at the kitchen and even if I just call for one houseelf, their selfharming tendencies are painful for me to watch.

My best gift this year actually came from Cedric, who presented to me a magical encyclopedia of magical beasts who naturally live on the British Isles. In return he got a broom cleaning set.

I don't like the sport but will support my friends if they want to play it and he will be a great seeker.

The rest of our winterbreak was playing games or bringing Nymph out in the snow, so she doesn't gets suffocated by her homework. 

One trip to Diagon Alley brought me some supplies for my familiars, I needed.

As the break ended we packed and made our way back to Hogwarts.

Before you ask, yes I could see the thestrals, but unlike their movieadaptions their eyes aren't white but hold an intelligence unlike simpler beasts. The wisdom portrait in their confidence shows their lack of fear. Fear of death to be precise.

Their nature wasn't dark, but enlightened through the close relationship they hold to death.

Hagrid is the sole breeder of them in Great Britain, so I can ask hin more about them when I see him.

But first starts the second half of my first year. 


Hello readers,

Sorry for the slight delay in publishing.

Today I picked up another fanfiction to refine my 

writing style. It's called "Danmachi: Blessings of the Gods"

and I hope at least some of you like it.

But don't worry this here is my Main focus till it's finished.

 Only then will I start with my own novel.

We are already over 20 chapters and I hope you

stay on board.

I really appreciate your feedback and thank you all.