Hagrids Gift

As I knocked on the door to his hut, I hear him trowing things down from his furniture as he made his way to open the door.

"Oh, it's y'r. Fast come 'n, before someone else sees us."

"And even if they see us, Hagrid. I visit you countless times a week, so it isn't suspicious.", I chuckle.

" 'ight. Still is good to 'ave less attention."

"So what do you got?", I ask him.

"Do y'r remember about my problem with the gnomes each year."

"Yeah. Are they on it again this year?"

"Of course they are. Little plague like each year before Halloween."

"So what does it have to do with the gift."

"Y'r told me 'bout another solution, but I can't hide the little fellow 'ere, so I want to give him to y'r with the condition to engnome my field with 'im."

"Don't tell me you got a Jarvey?"

" 'ight y'r are."

"How did you get one? Wait don't tell me. Better if I don't know. But how do you plan to hide when we degnome?"

"Doing it at dawn before the stud's wake up, 'ould do it."

While he says that as if we could hide that from the more important staff, which we definitely couldn't, he takes an old blanket, that almost seemed alive from all the mud and dust on it, from a cage near the table to his feet.

In it is a beige-brown jarvey that seem to be older than a year at most.

The little guy woke up after his environment got brighter and looked at us with great curiosity. He was such a cutie! Weazles are already cute, but the bigger eyes that showed more emotions made the magical Jarvey even cuter.

"Thank you, Hagrid. Even if I now need to explain to McGonnagal how I got another pet." I thought of keeping him secret, but as I know he would be seen over the year at least by one person, I wanted him to be official.

Still, she was already surprised to see my three new pets at the start of the year. After explaining they were a gift from my uncle, she seemed to understand and the Jackalopes weren't a problem for her, but she had a little reservation about a bird with fire magic. But after showing her how good he is already 'trained', she gave me permission.

But letting her know a curious Jarvey would staying with me, she should be able to guess from who I got it and for what purpose. Just hoping she likes Hagrids pumpkins isn't enough, so I should find a good reason to let him be allowed to stay.


A week later I knock on her office door and after getting permission, I enter.

"Mr. Tonks, what can I do for you? Did you have a question about the last class?"

"No professor, it isn't related to Transfiguration. I got another pet, that I took care of from a friend and want to register him with you."

"Didn't you have enough new pets for this year, Mr. Tonks?", she says with a stern look. It would convince me more if a certain cat wouldn't come to my morning playtime sometimes.

"Is any number enough, professor McGonnagal?", I ask her back.

"Oh, fine. So what did you have this time?"

"I introduce you to Buck."

Yup. The most known name from IceAge was a good name as he would fight gnomes as fierce as the namepatron.

"A weasel? Wait, isn't that a Jarvey? Which friend brought a jarvey to Hogwarts?"

"He didn't bring it, but found it and as he knowns I have a few pets, he thought this little guy would be better cared for by me."

She looks as if she put one and one together and asks again: "Your friend wouldn't need further help from this Jarvey, now would he?"

"I don't think he does, madam."

Good I degnomed Hagrids field in the last week with Buck and the others.

"Well he is allowed, but should he be involved in the purpose he's known for, I want to be informed beforehand to make sure, no student sees him."

"Thanks, professor. And I promise to inform you if the need arrives."

With that I gained another companion under my tamed familiars.

And the year advanced with greater speed to the winterbreak.


Authors Notice: Release schedule

With my new fanfiction, I reached my limit on active stories.

In the following you see my new release schedule.

If I should finish a fanfiction, I will then release an original novel with my accumulated experience from before.

Main novel (HP: How to tame Magical Beast) one chapter each on Mo-Fr

Side 1 (Danmachi: Blessings of the Gods) one chapter on Mo,We,Fr

Side 2 (StarWars: Transmigrated through Time and Space) one chapter on Tu,Th,Sa

Additional chapters can be released outside schedule if milestones are achieved.

Update time should be before 11pm (UTC+2).

Hope you enjoy.