Book Signing

At the end of summer Harry visited the Weasleys and so I planned to go shopping schoolsupplies with Cedric.

Mom had a free day and she as well as dad came with us.

It was a nice outing till I saw a group of redheads in the crowd.

They run around like headless chickens, so I assume Harry got lost on the way again. Is it plot, fate or bad luck? Either way at this moment a half-giant exited a nearby alley with Harry. Guess Hagrid still has problems with his snails.

We go over.

"Hey, nice seeing you here.", I greet them as I didn't know the date of their shopping tour, it was really a coincidence.

"Cedric, Nici what are you guys doing here?", Harry asks.

"I don't know what you guys are doing, but we are shopping schoolsupplies.", Cedric says with a smile.

Ron rolls his eyes, but the twins next to him laugh.

"Good one..." ".., but it was a direct pass.", they bring out between grunts.

"How about we go to the others at the bookstore.", Mr. Weasley chims in.

"Why not we still need those books.", my dad says.

"Do we really?", I say and at least the older generation understood what I meant.

"Yes we do Nicholas. And maybe he isn't as bad as you think.", mom says sternly as she doesn't uses my nickname.

We got to the most crowded shop where Mrs. Weasley stood with Ginny and the Grangers in line to get her books signed.

"You are finally here, dear. Oh Mrs. Tonks good to see you. Free day?", Mrs. Weasley talks like a waterfall.

"Nice to meet you too. Is there something to be so happy about?", mom asks.

"Gilderoy Lockhard is personally signing his books. You must know this great author..."

At that moment she was interrupted by the author himself.

"Welcome everyone!", he called out and the cameraman from the Daily Prophet made a quick photo.

Then the plot happened.

He sees Harry, drags him to his side for a better publicity.

At that moment I couldn't help myself, but to intervene.

I got to a corner and turned myself invisible. With a little different voice I said: "Mr. Lockhard is it true, you only became Professor I Hogwarts, to let every student purchase all your books for a high prize, as you are a terrible author?"


Every one was shocked.

Seeing his eyebrows twitch was already a nice view, but soon the fans tried to defend him. He couldn't just let that statement be, so he said: "Of course not. I just find them a necessary for a good student as they give a lot of my experience to the reader.", he says with a forced smile.

A little seed of doubt was all I wanted. Nothing more or less, so I just stood at the side near the stairs, who aren't used as nobody went up.

But as soon as I stood there, naturally I hear steps from there.

Looking up I see my little cousin.

"Draco.", I just greet and he nods back, but goes by.

Maybe it really is a little early for a big change.

Similar to before the plot unfolded right before me, but I didn't wanted to intervene. At least not yet. Then Lucius Malfoy had made an appearance.

And just as he and Arthur Weasley wanted to get physical, I intercepted him.

"Mr. Malfoy. How are you doing?"

"And you are?", he questions back.

"The nephew of your wife. Nicholas Tonks, pleased to meet you."

"As far as I know my wife only has one sister, who is in Azkaban currently.", he responds.

"Then you are not well informed. I am officially from House Black even though I have the surname of my husband.", mom said at this moment.

"Then I am indeed bad informed as I thought you were removed from the family tree, Mrs. Tonks.", he replys.

"I was, but got enclosed back last year, Mr. Malfoy. Do bring my regards to my sister.", she then adds.

"Will do. Come Draco."

And with that our trip was near the end and as it was the last week of the summerbreak, we also neared the end of our break.