New Recruit

[Chapter 183]

"David, you can only be regarded as half a Team A member after becoming a Team A backup member. You are very young and there is still a lot of room for improvement. I hope you will not become complacent because of your achievements. Work hard to become one of our official members soon."

"Thank you, Mr. Jordan, I will remember your teachings."

"Add my phone number and I will recommend the team leader to you. Then, he will add you into the backup member group chat where you can communicate with each other, take note of the gaps between each of you, and promote everyone to grow together."

"Sure, Mr. Jordan."

The two exchanged contact information shortly after.

Rupert and Charles also walked over.

"Congratulations, Dave!"

"Congratulations, David!"

"I want to thank Old Master Luther for giving me this opportunity. I am so grateful for you," David replied politely.

"Dave, you are extremely powerful. Even if I didn't recommend you, I believe you would have found other ways," Rupert also said politely.

David's achievements had now surpassed his former peak.

Team A and Team B had a huge disparity in status. Even if David was only a backup member of Team A, his status was much higher than that of Team B.

Back then, he established the Luthers in South River Province by relying on his identity as a member of Team B. After this, his family had developed so rapidly that the other families had no choice but to avoid them.

Now, if David was willing, the South River Province would soon belong to him and no one would be able to stop him.

Of course, this development could only be done through benign means, and there could be no malicious competition. Members of the Special Task Force were not allowed to use the organization's name to suppress people and compete maliciously.

Otherwise, the consequences would be severe. This was clearly stated in the rights and obligations of the task force.

After exchanging some pleasantries, Rupert brought the two to the restaurant where a large table of top-notch food was already prepared for them.

The four chatted while eating.

Jordan then sent Leeman a message.

Jordan: [It's true! He is on his way to the Dragon Rank and is very talented. Also, he can be easily molded.]

Soon Leeman replied.

Leeman: (Tell him to contact me.)

Jordan recommended Leeman to David, and after David added him as a contact, the other party sent him a message.

Leeman: [I'm Leeman Scholl, Leader of Team A of the National Special Task Force.]

David was shocked.

Leader of Team A?

This was a VIP!

If his team member Jordan was so strong, David wondered how strong his leader would be.

David quickly replied.

David: (Hello, Team Leader Scholl, I'm David Lidell.)

Leeman: (Hi, David! Joining Team A as a backup member is just the beginning. I hope you won't relax. I'm very optimistic about you and I hope you will become an official member of the task force soon.]

David: [Of course, I will not let you down.]

Then David was added into a group chat.

After entering, he found that there were only eight people in the group. Including himself, there were nine members now.

Leeman sent a message to the group.

Leeman: (We have a new member. Everyone, come welcome him!)

Everyone else in the group sent welcome messages to David, but two of them did not. They were probably busy, otherwise, who would dare not show respect to the team leader?

Member 1: (Boss, it's been a long time since we had a new recruit! The last one was more than a year ago.]

Leeman: [It's true that there hasn't been a new recruit for a long time. David, please introduce yourself.)

David: (Hello everyone, my name is David Lidell. I'm from the South River Province, and I'm

currently studying at a university in River City. I hope everyone will take care of me in the future.)

David gave a brief introduction.

Member 2: (Damn, you're still in university? How old are you?)

David: [I am 21)

Member 2: [Gosh, you're so young! Boss, where did you find this lunatic?)

Leeman: (Don't worry about where I found him. Communicate more in the future and strive to become an official member as soon as possible.]