Easy Man To Negotiate

[Chapter 212]

As expected of their boss, Mr. Lidell had managed to solve everything in just a day.

The employees knew that they had a bright future waiting for them as they worked under such a superior.

Not too long after David ended the call with Pearl, another call came in.

David did not recognize this unknown number.

"Hello? Who is this?" David asked.

"David! I've already removed the Daniels family as you requested. What do you think of it?" Clinton's voice sounded from the other end of the line.

"Clinton! It's wonderful, absolutely wonderful! It's great doing business with you, Clinton. Don't worry, I won't forget what I promised you either. If there's anything you need me to help with, please contact me," David replied.

"You're an easy man to negotiate with, David. If that's the case, then I won't disturb you any longer. Do look for me if there's anything you need help with in Springfield," Clinton said.

What Clinton needed most was the promise from David.

After ending the call with Clinton, David laid on the bed fell deep into thought.

After this incident with the Daniels family, David truly understood the importance of a person's strength.

The Daniels brothers were far from weak, they just happened to encounter the Zimmermans, who were even stronger.

The latter was so strong that they did not have the chance to fight back at all.

They did not even belong in the same higher SCC tiers.

Morris may have been an old core member, but Clinton was one of SCC's founders.

Under the incentive of future benefits, the founder decided to get rid of the core member.

While the other founder who was supposed to step up as Morris' support and stop Clinton had remained ignorant throughout the whole incident.

This meant a deal must have been stricken between the two founders.

Or they had traded some sort of benefit.

David also knew that Clinton would not have helped him at all if he had not shown such great strength.

It was also because Clinton needed David's strength that the former offered to help him get rid of the Daniels family.

Everything happened because of strength, so he needed to continue enhancing himself.

This was the most important thing.

On the other side.

Pearl and Rhonda were staying in a high-class apartment.

with a body that could make any man nosebleed, Rhonda laid in bed as she talked on the phone.

A moment later, she put the phone down dazedly.

She had just learned of the Daniels fate.

She realized that she had underestimated Pearl's superior.

In a mere day, the Daniels brothers were crippled, Old Master Daniels was dead, and the Daniels family had been gotten rid of.

The most unbelievable part of it all was that Clinton, the founder of SCC, was the one behind all of that.

She wondered how David had managed to persuade Clinton to help get rid of a core member in his own organization.

Furthermore, Morris was Silva's lackey, and she could not wrap her head around why Silva did not interfere.

Rhonda had too many questions about what happened.

It was too illogical, yet that did not stop it from being the truth.

She would have to find a time to ask Pearl for answers.

She wanted to know what happened when they went to meet Gunther yesterday and just who David Lidell was.