
"Your Highness, it is time" Sir Lucian announced in his deep, resonant voice. Adric nodded, his expression was a mixture of resignation and trepidation.

Adric had to agree to arrange marriage because his father promised King Andrew. But now his father is dead so it becomes his responsibility to fulfill it.

For Adric this marriage was just a political affair. He never wanted to invest himself emotionally with anyone. Both Amelia and Adric never met or ever saw each other before the wedding, except once when they were very small. Adric didn't even remember it; he just heard it from his father once.

Adric was convincing himself to just think of it as a duty and he had to do it. But the moment Amelia appears from the door his eyes widen by her beauty. She looks stunning in a white lace wedding gown, her blue eyes complementing her brown hair that was tied in a low bun. Her beauty was mesmerizing him. He had seen so many beautiful women before but none of them had beauty like her.

He found himself admiring her beauty. She was walking towards him gracefully.

When the priest asked the groom to kiss the bride, he felt his heart beating so fast just the thought of kissing her. He never felt nervous like this in his entire life, especially in front of a woman.

He didn't even know why he asked for permission first. That was also a surprise for him. he never asked for permission before from anyone, not even from his father.

The moment his lips touched her soft and warm lips, his body filled with ecstasy. He wanted to deepen the kiss but he didn't know why he didn't do that. His resonance was not supporting him.

Now it was time for the bride and groom to dance. He again asked for her permission "May I princess". That astonished both Adric and Amelia. The more he became polite the more she felt it surreal. "Yes your Highness" Amelia replied in the same politeness.

Adric stretched his palm for her hand and she gracefully handed her hand into his. They started to move on to the beat of music. They were quiet for several minutes, they both didn't know what to say because of the awkwardness they felt around them. The silence between them was killing her so she started with a greeting "It's nice to meet you, Prince Adric".

He chucked a little on her try but suddenly his expression changed into something serious and he replied to her "It is nice to finally meet my wife".

his serious tone was a little surprising because a moment ago he looked normal but another second he was serious and that was confusing for her.

When she didn't reply to him he continued " Starting today we are going to see each other daily and I hope that it will also be very nice for you, wife". the word wife from his mouth felt a little strange to her but now it is her reality. She didn't understand the meaning behind his words but she was sure that from today her life was going to little difficult because of her husband.