How Did It Come To This?

Inside the confines of a massive cell, Yan Shun found himself pressed firmly against one of the walls.

Before him stood an enchanting woman, and her eyes were unlike any he had ever seen.

They were marked by a peculiar feature - each iris formed a perfect heart shape, giving her an eerie, blank look.

Her eyes held a bizarre pink gleam, the proof of the madness that seemed to possess her.

This woman had a long, flowing mane of jet-black hair that contrasted strikingly with her beautiful golden-like eyes.

Her perfectly arched eyebrows resembled the elegant wings of a phoenix.

What was most remarkable about her was the presence of nine tails adorning her back, each appearing both fluffy and divine.

She was clad in a strange black robe that hugged her figure perfectly, accentuating her extraordinary allure.

While her massive mountains had a noticeable gap that caught Yan Shun's attention, he dared not stare, given the circumstances.

As her body descended, her slender and alluring waist came into view, perfectly proportioned in its delicate plumpness.

Her long and shapely legs possessed just the right blend of fullness and seductiveness.

Despite her extraordinary beauty, Yan Shun appeared rather perturbed by the situation.

He attempted a reassuring smile and said, "Qiuyue... let's try to calm down."

However, Qiuyue increased the pressure, pushing him even harder against the wall.

A mischievous smile graced her lips as she raised her chin and directed her gaze into his pale eyes.

"Tell me, who do you belong to?" Her voice exuded seduction and allure, characteristic of a Nine-Tailed Fox.

However, her tone was far more enticing than a typical Nine-Tailed Fox, for Qiuyue was a Nine-Tailed Blood Moon Fox—a race thought to have gone extinct billions of years ago.

Yan Shun couldn't help but wonder...

"How did it come to this?"

As Yan Shun entered the room, his anticipation brimming, he was immediately struck by the tremendous density of Qi that surrounded him.

"This... this is incredible!" He exclaimed, his surprise evident.

The concentration of Qi here was more than ten times greater than what he had experienced at his Master's abode, which was already known for its relatively high density due to the presence of various herbs.

[... Strange... Is there a vitality root here?]

"Huh? Are you referring to that root that continuously enhances its own vitality, and the person who absorbs it can essentially create an artificial energy channel for themselves?" Yan Shun inquired with curiosity.

[That's right... it appears to be abundant here. However, it's unusual that it can evolve on its own, given the massive Qi density... This Immortal Prison is even more mysterious than I initially thought...]

[To control this Prison, one would have to be among the most formidable in the Upper Planes...]

"Really!?" Yan Shun was taken aback.

[Yes, this Prison contains numerous arrays that only a Heavenly Emperor would have the power to dismantle.]

"I see..."

[Prepare yourself... it's about to begin.]

At that moment, Yan Shun positioned himself in the center of a large circle in the new room and assumed a lotus position.

"System... integrate everything at the right time..."



Suddenly, there was a series of electrifying sounds, like a crackling thunderstorm, and the room was filled with energy.

Above him, a multitude of clouds gathered and coalesced into a massive, crimson cloud, crackling with red lightning.

However, these lightning bolts weren't targeting Yan Shun; they were focusing on the circular pattern on the floor beneath him.

The circle began to illuminate with intense energy, and from within it emerged a colossal dragon-like figure made of red lightning, a majestic and fearsome sight.


At that moment, he took a deep breath...



With another burst of crackling and thunderous roars all around him, he slowly opened his eyes to find the dragon-like figure hovering right before him.

"NOW! INTEGRATE EVERYTHING!" He shouted loudly.

[Integrating the rewards...]

Simultaneously, Yan Shun activated the Exalted Demon God Body Tempering Art.

With each heartbeat, the agony intensified, coursing through his entire body like raging flames.

The red lightning, having finished its show on the circular sigil, now began to strike his body continuously, surging through him like relentless, fiery spears.


His screams filled the room, punctuating the tumultuous symphony of thunder and red lightning.

Every fiber of his being was subjected to excruciating pain, and his body writhed in response, as if trying to escape the torment.


He cried out, each screaming a desperate plea for relief.

The pain seared through his veins, and his mind felt as though it were being forged in the crucible of agony.


He kept on suffering, and it felt like it would never end.

The room echoed with his screams, a clear sign of the intense pain he was going through.

Finally, after all that, a message popped up on his screen.

[Exalted Demon God Body Tempering Art - Complete!]

[The host has successfully reached the Nascent Spirit (Late) Realm!]

[The host has successfully created the best foundation!]

[The host's talent has been greatly enhanced in all aspects!]

[The host has received the passive Divine Art "A Devil Among Demons!"]

[The host has received the Exalted Demon Sacred Body!]

[Revealing status...]

"Haa... ha..." He gasped for air, his breaths coming in ragged bursts.

His clothes were in tatters, barely hanging on, and covered in dirt and grime.

Blood oozed from numerous wounds, seeping through the shredded fabric, staining it a deep, dark red.

The once delicate and smooth skin of his body now bore the marks of harsh trials, marred by large, painful gashes and injuries that told the story of his relentless struggle.

Without thinking twice, he took a pill from his pocket and ate it...

It was his Master's gift... one he had been saving for a long time.

At that moment, Yan Shun's wounds immediately healed, as if they were never there...

He looked forward and immediately noticed a huge panel above him...

[Status Window—

Host: Yan Shun (21)

Identity: Divine Sword Peak, Eldest Disciple.

Cultivation: Nascent Spirit (Late)

Cultivation Technique: Primordial Lotus Scripture (Peak Emperor Grade), Exalted Demon God Body Tempering Art (Complete)

Special Physique: Chaotic Yin-Yang Body, Exalted Demon Sacred Body, Heavenly Fragrance Charm Body.

Bloodline: Nine Nethers Underworld Phoenix

(Talents have been successfully eliminated due to the innate forging of the foundation.)

Attributes: Yin-Yang (Ancient), Demon (???)

Heavenly Flames: Dark Nirvana Fire (Bloodline) Bone Chilling Fire, Yin-Yang Twin Flame

Heavenly Treasures: Soul Warming Lotus, Flawless Purifying Lotus

Divine Arts: One Ancient Sword (???), Devil Amongst Demons (???)

Treasures: Dawn Of The Night (Sword), Sinister Serenade (Zither)

Battle Prowess: 299.9 Times Stronger Than Average.]

"Ugh... it was worth it."


Yan Shun lay down on the floor, even though he had taken a pill, sweat was still overflowing through his forehead.

"However... I don't know if I might be able to survive the next catastrophe..." He gritted his teeth.

The main was too much for him to handle; when the lighting hit him he couldn't grit his teeth to endure the pain.

It was simply too painful.

[You did great! Your Qi circulation also increased by a lot, and your meridians widened to the maximum!]

[You even-tempered all of your acupoints and all!]

[Your current battle prowess is more than 50 times stronger than those people in the Upper Planes!]

[You should be proud of yourself.]

"Should I?" He sighed softly.

"I shouldn't be proud, I've only gotten this fat due to you, system. What's there to be proud of?"

"If anything, I need to be proud of not blackening out after being hit with that damn red dragon."


[Haaaa... don't worry about it. If you're so insecure about me, how about doing an Eternal Contract by soul?]

"What do you mean?" 

[Basically, it's a contract where I cannot damage you, and you cannot damage me.]

[Our souls will be bonded and if one of us dies, the other dies too. Not even the creator of the world can destroy this type of bond...]


'That would indeed make me trust her more...'

"Sure, what's there to lose?" He smiled faintly.

At that moment, Yan Shun felt his head starting to go blank, and after a few moments...

He felt different...


[Now, if you look in your Divine Counsciousness I'll be there!]

Just like that, Yan Shun entered his divine consciousness.

As he opened his eyes, he saw a small orb circling around his little soul., and he immediately knew that it was the system.

"Ugh... I'll really need those three days to rest." He stretched out, going back to his cell to rest for a bit.


A voice full of killing intent escaped the mouth of a stunning woman, as she pressed the body of a man against the ground.

That man was obviously, our great "Sect Leader" that was currently being trampled on the ground.

He didn't know who this woman was, but the only thing he knew about was that she was looking for Yan Shun.

The Sect Leader shivered at these words, "Yan Shun... is... is at the Immortal Prison!" He finally admitted.

"HUH!? WHY!?"

"That's... because he killed the First Ancestor's Disciple... instead of being crippled he proposed to be sent to the Immortal Prison!"


The woman started biting his nails in rage...

However, as soon as she bit them, they immediately healed back like nothing had ever happened to them.

"Dealing with the Immortal Prison will be a little troublesome... especially when I'm not even near my peak!" 

She murmured to herself, an eerie aura leaking out of her body...


Suddenly, the woman disappeared from the Sect Leader's view, and he finally sighed in relief.

However, he suddenly shivered as he noticed a familiar aura approaching the Sect.

And that same Aura was nothing less nothing more than...

Luo Xueying's Aura.