Trying Not To Die (1)

A/N: OMGGGGG!!! A NEW CHAPTER!!! Lmao... Welp, I'm sorry for not uploading in these past few days, after my main account got hacked, I literally got hit on the deepest point of my heart.

Actually, the first novel that I wrote on my main account, "Transmigrated as a Cannon Fodder in a Cultivation Game" goes really back, probably like... 3~5 years ago.

I don't know if someone here read it, after all, it wasn't the same name, and neither my main account had the same nickname as now, but It was a really precious work for me.

At that time, my "love" for Cultivation novels was pretty huge, and I pretty much only read cultivation novels at that time...

Sooo, it was a really deep hit when I saw the chapters getting deleted... because as well as the uploaded chaps, I had more than 100 chapters ready to upload...

I was planning on stacking up and uploading them directly when I was pretty sure I could write daily and contract the novel, however, it seems that it wasn't going to happen.

Well, although I'm not as highly motivated as before to write because of this huge hit, I'll try to continue writing.

I'll probably write 2~5 chapters a week, each chap having 1500~2500 words.

That's it. 

Thank you all for the support so far, I REALLY appreciate it.

Enjoy the chapter~~








"Brother Yao, did you hear the rumour that is going around!?"

"Mhm? What rumour?"

"Fairy Gu! She's going to ascend tomorrow! Can you believe it? In just 5 years, she reached the peak of the lower world! What kind of talent is that!?"

"WHAT!? That's fucking crazy! Because, I also heard something just a few days ago!"


"You know the Devil Trio? There's a rumour that they are also going to ascend tomorrow!"


"Yeah! It seems that after they got control over the Demon Dynasty they decided to ascend, it seems that they heard some kind of rumor that the Seven Divine Fairies had ascended."

"Oh... come to think about it, a few of them are indeed missing. They didn't appear for a lot of time!"



"What's making the earth shake...?"


Out of nowhere, the ground, still shaking, began to crack wide open, like it wanted to tear itself apart.


With the ground gaping wide, a multitude of people began plummeting into the dark abyss below.

But it didn't stop there—the gaping chasm stretched relentlessly, spreading its destructive reach from one city to the next.

It was like the whole world was literally tearing itself in two.


At that moment, a slash made out of Qi pierced through the wind, splitting a huge mountain in half.

It broke into pieces, spreading them through the ground, and even falling into some towns.

If one looked at the sky, they could see two small figures, looking at each other...

One of them was holding a sword in their hand.

And obviously, they were none other than Yan Shun and Luo Xueying.

Yan Shun slowly explained everything, the oath to heaven and all, but, it didn't work.

He really underestimated Luo Xueying's feelings for him.

She really was a Yandere.

Honestly, he expected this kind of outcome, but he didn't expect that Luo Xueying would still somehow be stronger than hit at the same realm.

Yan Shun's body was filled with wounds and scars from Luo Xueying's attack, he didn't care if the world was destroyed...

But, he couldn't simply evade her attacks easily, she was too fast.

'Fuck... It's a pity I can't take out any of the treasures I have...' His fist clenched tightly as wiped the blood from his lips.

The system told him that the treasures he had got as a reward, were too strong and he probably couldn't use 1% of their true power.

He would simply spend all of his Qi.


Grabbing his sword tightly, Yan Shun looked at Luo Xueying's unusual face. Instead of the normal sky-colored eyes, blood-red eyes adorned her face.

She had a wide smile with her head slightly tilted, her hands clutching the bloodied sword as she painted her face with the blade that contained his own blood.

"Tsk." He clicked his tongue.

He pretty much didn't have much strength remaining.

'Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!'

'I don't fucking mind if the world is destroyed but... I'll really die if this continues on!'



As Luo Xueying took a step, a wave of Qi spread through the sky, the cloud dissipated, the ground started shaking once again and more people died.

Yan Shun's eyes trembled slightly, he raised his left hand and formed a mysterious seal.

The sky turned into a deep-black color, and a strange array surrounded Luo Xueying's body.

Seeing this, Luo Xueying's mouth arched in a mocking way: "Oh? It seems that you've found something good in these past years..."




"It's still too weak."


The array immediately broke and the sky instantly regained its original color.

Yan Shun frowned even more, he had spent most of his remaining Qi on that array, but it was still useless!

Luo Xueying still broke it very easily!

At this moment, Luo Xueying took a step forward, making the ground shake under her.

Yan Shun, still catching his breath, starts regulating his remaining Qi.

"Yan Shun, just give in~! There's no running away." Luo Xueying says with a smirk, her eyes shining a spooky red.

Even though Yan Shun is all beat up and tired, he still tries to convince her, since he can't really win against her.

However, after hearing his words,

Luo Xueying laughs kinda creepy, and her laughter echoes through all the crazy stuff happening.

"You're so stubborn, Yan Shun. But it's cute. I'll make you mine ALONE, even if I have to destroy everything."

She moves fast, rushing at Yan Shun with her sword shining with a purple color.

Immediately, Yan Shun lifts his sword to meet hers.


Their swords crash, shooting out sparks.

The noise from their swords sends shockwaves everywhere.

The sky gets dark, like nature is sad about something really bad that's about to happen.

'Damn it!' Yan Shun narrowly evades her sword, each swing coming closer to his neck.

However, Luo Xueying just continued giggling as her blood-red eyes shone even brighter than before.

"Kekeke~~, Yan Shun, you can't escape. I'll make sure you're mine, forever and ever~~!"

Yan Shun, struggling to keep up, starts feeling his foundation becoming chaotic.

"Luo Xueying! You've gotta snap out of it!"

But after hearing him, she just laughs even more, like she's enjoying this wild fight.

"Oh, Yan Shun, I'm doing this because I love you. You can't run from love, silly!"

With a sudden burst of Qi, Luo Xueying pushes Yan Shun back, making him stumble.

She's got that crazy look in her eyes, and her movements just seem to get quicker and unpredictable.



The towns nearby are getting wrecked.

Buildings crumble, and the ground quakes with every clash of their swords. It's like the whole world is caught in their intense battle.

As they continue to exchange blows, Luo Xueying's rationality almost disappears.

She's practically consumed by her emotions, each swing of her sword becoming more erratic and dangerous.

Suddenly, in a swift and unexpected move, Luo Xueying summons mystical chains from the depths of her power.

The chains shoot out towards Yan Shun, wrapping around him with supernatural speed.

"Fuck!" He immediately breaks the chain, but Luo Xueying suddenly summons more.


He flew through the sky, escaping away from her chains, using every bit of strength left.

"Tsk... This is getting bad... I really should've not asked that."

However, without making a single sound, Luo Xueying appears on top of him, and raises her leg kicking him to the ground!


The ground crumbles, creating a crater from the impact, and a thick cloud of dust envelopes Yan Shun's fallen figure.

Luo Xueying slowly descends from the sky with that same insane smirk, she waves her head, the dust disappearing and looks at Yan Shun.

As the view clears, Yan Shun struggles to his feet, wiping away the mixture of dust and blood from his face.

'At this point, sweet words won't just work on her. Well... will something calm her down at this point?'





As Luo Xueying swung her sword, Yan Shun this time couldn't evade it.

"Urghh...!" He coughed out a whole mouthful of blood.

Now, he had a huge sword mark on his chest with blood rushing out of it like some kind of fountain.

"Fuck..." His body falls to the ground, dust spreading out from the small impact.

His strength had completely diminished.

His eyesight got blurrier, but he still could see the figure of Luo Xueying approaching him.

She pointed her sword at his neck, and Yan Shun couldn't help but wonder.

'Is this really the end?'