**Ch 37: Searching

After talking to my favorite Professor, Kai and I left his class. For helping Mr. Collin with locating my whereabouts in the world, he granted my Professor to be a vampire when the time came that we'd be transformed. Since I never knew my biological dad, my Professor was like a father to me because he saved me from being homeless when I was kicked out of the orphanage once I turned eighteen after graduating high school.

"I guess it's time to head home," I declared.

"First, I have to do something, but let's take your stuff to the car before I do that," Kai told me.

After we took my stuff to the car, we went to one of the main offices.

Behind the desk, the cranky lady grumbled, "I'm sorry, we're closing up for today."

"This will only take a minute," Kai verified.

"I'm sorry, sir—"

Before the woman could argue, everybody, along with her in the office, froze to a stillness where they were either standing or sitting. Kai used his first gift to completely control their minds under his mind control gift. Once the lady went under his spell, her mind shut off like everybody else. Still sitting on the office chair, Kai wheeled her out of the way with his boot before he rolled up another office chair to the computer.

"This won't take me long," he claimed, typing on the keyboard.

"What are you searching for?" I questioned, going around to stand from behind him.

"Personal information about the students and the faculties on this campus," he replied as he scanned each person relatively fast.

His mind alone was smarter than any software out there with the intelligence he had from being a vampire. It was especially amusing that he scrutinized the computer while he kept everyone else under his mind-control gift at the same time.

"Done!" he announced, closing the files.

"Wow, that was fast." I was shocked.

"Let's head home," Kai affirmed, and then we headed out before he released everyone from his mind.

Not a moment later, we were already in the car to drive home.

"Kai, would you slow down!" I sort of raised my voice as he was flying down the road.

All of a sudden, sirens were blaring off from behind our car.

"You have to pull over," I asserted, and Kai had the strangest grin curled on his mouth. It looked too hungry for my liking. Without arguing, he pulled over and parked the car.

"Be respectful, and don't be rude," I lectured him while my heart rate increased. I had a bad vibe weighing on my chest.

"Don't worry, I can handle him," Kai smirked as the officer reached the window and tapped on it.

After Kai rolled down the window, the police officer questioned him sternly, "Do you know how fast you were driving?"

"It would've been a hundred if you hadn't pulled me over." Kai smart-mouthed him, and I wanted to die underneath the seat.

"Step out of— Ahh—" Kai yanked him by the collar of his uniform and pulled him through the window as he fought.

The car horn resounded as the car swayed from the scuffle. Iron fangs tore the flesh on the officer's neck right open. Blood was spewing out of his jugular, and I could hear the awful sound of his flesh tearing apart. After Kai was done feasting, he pushed the officer's limped upper body out of the window and chucked him with one arm across the road, and his body landed somewhere in a snowy ditch. As his long tongue circled his bloody mouth, he started the car and continued to drive us home.

"You killed him," I uttered the obvious with a pant in my whiff of air.

Without a care, Kai nonchalantly confirmed, "I did."

"We talked about this!" I lectured.

"He was an officer of the law, and you just ate him!"

"Yes, and he was delicious. You have no idea how long I've been waiting to get some warm blood," Kai drooled at the mention of it, and I could tell he wanted more.

"You drove like a maniac to purposely get pulled over," I gruffed in annoyance.

Kai smirked, "Do you want me to lie or tell the truth?"

"The truth!"

"I knew he would've been patrolling the road, so I set up a snare to quench my parched throat," Kai truthfully revealed, and I was irritated at him. The whole way back home, I didn't say one word to him.


For the next two days, Kai continued going to college with me. By Friday, Mia came with me, and it was such a relief on my part. From dealing with Kai's dullness and noisome behavior towards people, Mia was much more friendlier and frolicsome towards everyone she came across.

"Where's your fun husband?" Stella inquired, peeking around me to find him, but all she saw was Mia when we came into Professor Mark's class.

"Oh, he's busy at the office today." I lied since he left inside a gateway with his friends.

"Who's your friend?" Stella happily smiled at Mia.

She greeted Stella with a handshake. "My name is Mia. It is nice to finally meet you. Victoria told us all about you."

Introducing her to Stella went a lot smoother compared to dealing with Kai; is another thing I'll make a note of to type in my diary later on.

"Today, I'll be going around everyone's table. I'd like to see how everybody's progress is coming along." Professor Mark announced to the classroom.

While he checked out each model throughout the research room, Stella and I worked on molding some more clay. Mia was kind enough to help us, which gave her something to do.

"Aside from your absence, you girls are doing a fantastic job," Professor Mark complimented Stella and me.

"Thank you," we said together.

"Keep up the good work." He added before he strolled away.

"We'll be sure to do that," Stella guaranteed we would.

After the hour had passed by, Mia left ahead of us since she claimed she had something to do. She said she would be back in time before my next class would start. I had a feeling she was going to go hunt. Mia had good self-control over her craving for blood, but I think she was feeling it today, or she might be scouting the area for the wing vampiress.

Stella asked as we left the research room. "Shall we get lunch at the cafe?"

"Yeah, Nora is going to meet us there since she feels a lot better," I replied. After being sick for most of the week, she finally returned to college.

"Oh, I'm glad she's feeling better. My brother might be coming too," Stella told me.

"It would be nice to meet him," I remarked once we were outside.

"I'll text him and see if he'll come for lunch," she decided, taking out her phone to text him.