14 year old Sora Yuki was walking down the hallway alongside her girlfriend Nicole Brooklyn,or as she calls her Brookes,when she suddenly bumped into crescent and crescent held her waist to prevent her from falling but she immediately put herself together.

"oh! I am so so sorry crescent,I I didn't mean to"Said Sora as bent her heat down slightly which was an attitude of her's when talking to someone she's scared of.

"oh no luv,that quite alright"said crescent

"oh ok"Sora said as she was about to walk away with her girlfriend when she was pulled by her forearm by Luna as her hands rested on Luna's chest.

""said Sora as she looked up at the sisters,then Luna turned her and rested her head on Sora's shoulder and wrapped her hands around Sora's waist.

"eeeek"Sora squeaked as she felt Luna's hands wrap around her waist, crescent holding a strand of her hair and caressing her hair and Polaris holding her hand and staring into her eyes

"wtf"Brooklyn said as she stared shocked in her place wide eyed at what was happening to her girlfriend Infront of her eyes

"wtf,get your filthy hands away from my girlfriend"Brooklyn shouted and pulled Sora away from them and snared at them

"Fucking weirdos"Brooklyn sweared

"watch your mouth Nicole Brooklyn,I could distroy you in the snap of a finger fucking bitch"Polaris snared at Brooklyn making her shiver in fear

"tf,Never talked to my fucking girlfriend like that again"Sora shouted as she grabbed Brooklyn's hands and stormed off to their classroom

This went on throughout the whole session ending with Sora stuck with them and Brooklyn not doing anything for the fear of her's and her family's life from the hand of the Gomez sisters(crescent,Luna,and Polaris)

skip to the end of school

"luv are you alright"Sora asked sadly

"No,No I'm not,how could I be when the only thing I can do is watch as they do this to my precious mate that I love so much"Brooklyn said with tears threatening to fall from the side of her eyes

"well then luv,how about we change schools how about that,the session has ended and now we can change schools,we can talk to our parents,their besties, they'll surely agree"Sora said

They both went home and told their parents, their parents said that they both were planning on moving together and they moved towns and school and we're living together in a shared apartment now her and Brooklyn go and come from school together and the two single parents are doing just fine

The start of a new session came and the sisters waited and waited for weeks for Sora but saw no sign of her,they went to ask the principal

principal Owens then said"sorry girls but Sora and Brookes have moved towns and schools and that's all the info I've got,sorry girls they didn't specify and problem "

"No all is just great" the sisters said with a dark looks on their face and their claws barred out which didn't go unnoticed by the principal with scared her shitless

They walked out of the office

"That little bitch thinks she can run from us,oh how hilarious "the sister's said with a mocking smile on her face

"seems like she doesn't know who we are"Polaris said with an annoyed chuckle

"she can't run from us,she will be out cute little mate, we'll make her ours,our beautiful little obsession,our omega,ours to love,ours to spoil,ours to look at,ours to punish, she's ours,all ours"the sister's said maniacally as their eyes shone a dangerous Colour of green.

yo guys, it's ur lovely author zozo,please as u read don't forget to leave power stones and golden ticket for me,luv u👍👍😘😘