Sora's pov

I woke up to see myself chained to the bed post but what I didn't expect was to see myself naked and my wives looking over me with disappointment and then I remembered



After the incident we went back home but I plotted of a way to escape from them,they are vile creatures who don't deserve a place in my heart and for their insolence they will pay by me running away

After plotting of a way,I finally found an escape route but it was a backdoor passage which I foolishly took and it led me to an underground lair where I saw guns,explosives and different shades of blood on the wall

Out of fear I was about to turn back when I felt a hand hold me back and put chloroform on my nose and I heard Crescent's voice before I blacked out

"you made a damn terrible mistake amore"


After recalling the incident,I started trembling badly

"why so shaky amore,I thought you said you couldn't remember"Polaris questioned as they all stared as her with their taunting gaze

"I'm sorry, won't ha...happen again"Sora stuttered out

"sorry for what mio piccolo"Crescent taunted

"for trying to run away"Sora whispered loud enough for them to hear

"tsk...tsk.....tsk, you've exposed yourself amore,be ready for punishment"Luna stated

And after hearing that I began to tremble and cry more as I tried my best to release myself but it was not enough seeing as they were all givinge a sinister grin 

Infront of me,they all stripped naked as they held whips in their hands and they began whipping me and it went straight to my skull 

I began to beg but it all fell on deaf ears,after getting whipped 20 times each by the three of them I almost fainted but then they pulled my hair harshly 

"We're not done with you babygirl"Luna whispered maniacally into my ears as she positioned herself Infront of me and without warning pushed inside me 

" hurts,it fucking hurts get it o....."and before I could even finish screeching out my words I earned two huge slaps from Crescent and Polaris

"Bad girl,you said a bad word now we have to double your punishment"Polaris said getting up from the bed but I couldn't care less as the pain from Luna thrusting into me took over my senses but not until the whip hit my back again 

" sor.....sorry ...please..... please have.....have mercy"I stuttered out as the immense pain was clouding my head 

"Take it like a good girl"Crescent said as she pushed my head down to her dick and made me suck it, Polaris was having fun whipping me and so was Luna as she was fucking me and Crescent as she was enjoying me mouth fuck her 

After I thought they were satisfied,the three of them pushed their dicks into me earning a loud scream from me 

"Ahhh .....take it out...take it out.....please... please"I begged but they said with their deep husky voice

"It's your punishment amore,your not supposed to enjoy it "

And the night went on with painful and pleasured moans from Sora and pleasured groans from the trio as the room was filled with the sound of skin slapping and the aroma of sweat 



Waking up I was unable to walk and I was so angry at the trio,how could they do this to me,I thought they loved me and I began to cry uncontrollably waking up the trio as they all huddled around me 

"Calm down amore"Luna said 

"You weren't supposed to enjoy it"Polaris said

"Besides it's your fault and you know it amore"Crescent said 

"We are your wives and you are not supposed to run from us because of a petty something we did,you are supposed to embrace us for who we are"Luna said and they all began to cry making me feel guilty,I am their wife, I'm supposed to love them not look for wats to run away 

"I'm sorry,I'll make it up to you all,I promise,I will never run away again,I'm sorry,I should have known better as I had said before,for better for worse and I didn't fulfill my vows but from today I'll change for the better,I'll change for you all to be happy,I will change to be willing to love you all not my character but my attraction towards you,I promise I will never let you all down again"I cryed saying all that and I meant it and I could see the love reflecting in their eyes towards me and I could see that they know I meant it and weall layed together as they cuddled me and I felt whole again as we stayed like this and the atmosphere became warmer and we let sleep take us away to Dreamland as they had said that today is their off day to take a vacation