
After reading out Qi Jing's crimes, the elder in charge of the execution began reading out the crimes committed by the Qi family.

Everyone knew that it was all bullshit but no one dared come to the defense of the fallen Qi family.

"A few t nights ago, the sect master discovered the Qi family trying to escape their crimes. With no other choice, the sect master deployed the Burning legion to eliminate the traitors before they could commit even more crimes bringing trouble to the Sun Sect ." said the elder.

"I can't believe there is someone who can speak all this bullshit without even the slightest change in expression." thought Xun Lu.

She felt pity for Qi Jing and her family but she also had her family to worry about. The sect master had shown that he was more than willing to kill off anyone who showed even the slightest hint of disloyalty.

To make matters worse, it was up to the sect master to decide who was loyal and who fell short of this goal.