
The paw descended with might and fury.

It encompassed all corners of heaven and earth.

There was no hiding from this overwhelming thrust for destruction and will to end all things. This was a paw to bring about the apocalypse.

It was not meant to destroy only Kai Syaoran but in that moment, it was only after Kai Syaoran and only his end would stop its rampage.

These kinds of feelings grew in Kai Syaoran's heart and the closer the paw got the more these feelings intensified.

He could only see the paw and at one point, he felt as though he was the paw and the paw was him. This feeling sat deep within his heart, paralyzing him with fear.

Kai Syaoran felt the heaviness of it all fall onto his Ego and this was when he acted. His Ego shook slightly and all these negative feelings that were keeping him down were turned into smoke.

His eyes opened wide and glowed with the power of the he who rules all space beneath the Dao.