Inside the Heavenly Dao, Kai Syaoran found that his comprehension abilities were magnified even further but this was not the reason he had come to this place.
He had schemed to enter the Heavenly Dao because the gems had a similar aura to it. He believed that this was because the two were created through the same process.
Since this was the case,,he believed the way for him to unravel the secrets of these gems was to be inside the heavenly Dao.
Right now, he was sure that he had been correct in his assessment.
The Dawn Soul gem glowed ever brighter and soon; its light rivaled that of an exploding sun.
The Dawn Soul gem was reacting to the power of the Dao surrounding it and this gave Kai Syaoran the chance to send his ego in to the gem itself.
The entire process was smothered than he had expected but considering the amount of time he had spent coming up with this plan, this should have been expected.