With the creation of the gods completed, all he had to do was wait for them to gestate and emerge from the sea of darkness.
Still, he had to create another god body.
This was for him to use.
He could not hope to convince the new goods that he was their king while looking like he was from another race.
Since this was the case, he began working on the most powerful god form.
This was for him to become Ra-Atum, the self-created god and most powerful king of all the gods.
Using this form and identity, he would establish himself as the leader of this pantheon of gods.
Kai Syaoran already had an idea of what he had to look like and so it did not take him long to create the form.
The form was humanoid with the head of a creature that looked like a falcon. When one looked at him, they would get the impression that a sun was floating just above his head.
This was to show his power. He had the power of the sun at his beck and call.