End of the Zhao Clan

 Not sure about what to do, Bai Wan let Zhao Jie take the lead. She got off her chair and came over the him. She moved in a seductive manner that could not be confused with anything else.

Bai Wan could have stopped her at any moment t but he did not. He let things proceed naturally so that he could increase the suffering of his enemies.

Zhao Jie reached down and kissed him passionately. From the lack of hesitation, it was clear that this was not the first time she had done this.

Moving gracefully, she sat in his lap and pulled him into herself. She was overtaken by her desire for him or rather the middle-aged man he had taken disguised himself as.

Bai Wan kissed her back and he did not even think about stopping the encounter ..He knew that it would be of some use sometime in the future.