Bai Wan Vs the Sky Origin and the Devil God

Bang! A small explosion reverberated through the world with the last sign made by the Sky Origin. With the ritual complete, his transformation began. His blood heated up, and his body morphed until there was no man left—only a beast ready to feast on the world.

The Sky Origin transformed into a true sky wolf. His body was the size of countless mountains put together. Even Bai Wan, whose size had been earth-shaking, was now but a small thing compared to the wolf.

Boom! Bai Wan was sent flying in an explosion of power from the Devil God. She sent him into space, feeling that this fight had become too much for the planet to handle.

The moment Bai Wan reached space, the Devil God was already waiting for him. She opened her arms wide and grasped the essence of creation. All the flames in the vicinity were pulled to her—not just the warmth but the very laws of fire themselves. As a powerful flame cultivator, she brought all her power to bear.