
On that day when Overlord himself arrived in the northern capital, a new era began for all the inhabitants of the planet Irmey. He spectacularly appeared in front of the palace of King Eriolan along with a retinue of beautiful white-winged creatures, causing the nearby courtiers to be both frightened and admired at the same time. The guards were at first alarmed by the invasion of fantastic aliens, but could not even move, falling under their magical influence.

Not believing his eyes, Eriolan threw up his hands, running out onto the front balcony: he recognized his celestial fiance Rohen in the black-winged handsome man! For about a hundred years they communicated only by telepathy, and then the Lord appeared in his own person in a physical shell in front of his eyes. His heart beat wildly at the unexpected prospects.

- Hello my dear! - Rohen spread his arms in a dramatic greeting as the flustered King stepped outside. - Recognized me?"

"I didn't know… that you were in the flesh," Eriolan said in confusion, looking at a tall, winged man in an elegant outfit of dark shades in such an attractive image that everything around him faded next to him: glowing purple eyes, straight black hair to the shoulders with metallic purple tint, harmonious face with marbled skin.

"I incarnated some time ago in one of my Realms, and now I have found a moment for you to get to know me better."

"It's… just incredible!" You are amazing!"

"Thank you! I tried to impress you."

"Are the angels with you? How beautiful they are!"

About a dozen tall white-winged youths in long togas stood behind him under the gaze of the courtiers with satisfied smiles.

"They're syrinxes! - Overlord explained, turning around slightly. - Let them stay here…"

He playfully grabbed the King's hand and pulled him closer.

"Are you shocked?"

"Yes, you didn't promise to come personally… and even with such unimaginable creatures."

"There was a surprise!"

The king led the guests to the palace, placing the winged in free rooms for relaxation.

"Are we getting married now?" - the King asked alone with the Lord in his chambers.

" Do you mean… Wedding!? - Rohen arched an eyebrow. - I didn't really plan a big celebration. After all, your lieges will not even be able to comprehend such a thing… don't you think?"

"Yes… sure! That would be too strange. Our marriage is in full view of mortals."

"Hmm, honey, - Rohen smiled slyly. - Actually we don't have wedding traditions at all. There is an official partnership or alliance, but the merging of loving hearts is a sacrament and no one is supposed to know about it. Usually such an alliance is not proclaimed... and society is confronted with a fact on the occasion when everything is obvious anyway.

"It's clear. You ordered me and by this you already consider me yours."

"It's not like that ... After all, you resisted to bond with me and I can not call you mine. You only agreed to serve me, and that doesn't always lead to a merger. Your heart has not yet responded to my sympathy. And... it may never come. Yes, I ordered your creation millennia ago when I was desperate to find reciprocal feelings with one handsome man that you look like, but you shouldn't put so much emphasis on the fact that you were created especially for me."

"And then what happened with your beloved Eurol? Did you find him?"

"Found! Like I said, my connection to him will bring us back together. Your favourite Ray changed his shell, dying among people, now he has a different name. Very soon he will arrive on a spaceship in my possession, I do not want to rush things."

"Will I be able to see him again?" - Eriolan was flustered.

"He doesn't remember you, honey. He even forgot about Arlow and their relationship, and even more so about Taylor. Other missions and difficulties await him under my directives. I won't miss him again. Until you can cross paths with him within decades. If he recalls you, then I will not interfere with your meeting.

"Where is Taylor now?"

"Gideon is his name! He paid the penalty for Ray's escape and is now born as my winged son on the same planet. He forgot everything, as it should be. Don't worry about him or the others at all. By the way, I'll take your servant Illy with me if you don't need him."

"No one has disturbed our peace in a hundred years! I never saw the power of the phoenix in action."

"Right! Thanks to my incarnation, it was possible to burn these flash eaters with their transport in a short time. The enemy has not reached you. I said that it was the possibility of an attack, but everything ended in the best way for everyone. Still, the phoenixes would keep an eye on Irmay's borders at all times, just in case."

"What should I do then?"

"And what do you want?"- the Overlord asked ingratiatingly.

Eriolan stared into his sparkling eyes, fascinated.

"You were going to take me to heaven in your Kingdom as a desired spouse. I've been waiting to leave Irmay all these years.

"Do you want it yourself? Live with me?"


"It seemed to me that I was unpleasant to you as a husband. Why should I impose my personality?

"I… like you, - Eriolan gently touched the Lord's palm and slipped his fingers into it. - And immediately liked ... upon meeting."