
Eriolan had no idea what problems he would face by allowing the Syrinxes to settle in Cryolis.

It would seem that the white-winged creatures should not have caused any inconvenience to the King in the palace, but their familiarity and straightforwardness sometimes drove him crazy.

Giving hugs or kisses was common for cheeky syrinxes. They could have caressing each other in front of everyone in the living rooms, embarrassing the servants and courtiers.

Beautiful, friendly, long-haired blondes, similar like brothers, did not hide the fact that they wanted to interact very closely with the owner of the house.

"Stop touching me! - once Eriolan was furious, throwing off their hands. - Act yourselves like children! I am your Lord, your King, and you do not respect me at all. How old are you? Are you teenagers?"

In chorus, flatteringly and affectionately, they answered him:

"Your Highness, we wholeheartedly love and respect the spouse of our Overlord…"

"Blessed son of the Logos! Such a cutie... Golden curls..."

"We have different ages and you are not older than us ..."

"I'm a hundred and seventy actually," - Eriolan clarified, surrounded by eternally young guys.

"Oooh, you're still a teenager for us,"- they all laughed in unison, wrapping their arms around his waist. And no wings. It's good for fun…"

"What fun?"

"If we could relax, you would understand what a pleasure it is to play with us. Milord called us beautiful... Everyone heard that!"

"To play!? Are you talking about sex? Together? Stupidity does not have to suffer! - Eriolan snapped angrily. - The city is full of pretty girls, and have fun with them."

"With your permission, King..."

Syrinxes, unpretentious in care, did not need food, water and clothes. All they needed was a warm dry bed, entertainment and sexual energy, which, as it turned out, they needed in abundance.

Each of their mornings after a long sleep began with an hour of meditation, then around noon they set off in a flock to fly over the expanses of the city, striking humans with their fabulous appearance. Descending into the streets, they molested passers-by, embarrassing them to the point of redness and scaring them to the point of blue in the face.

Feminine, in exquisite decorations, always dressed in discreet, delicately finished robes, emphasizing their finely embossed bodies, with flowing blond hair to the shoulders or waist, with stately graceful figures with broad shoulders and a thin waist, elegant white wings, expressive transparent eyes of different shades from green to blue inevitably attracted the eye.

Gradually, people began to get used to the abrupt appearance of fabulous creatures in their lives and to communicate with obsessive winged creatures. At first it didn't occur to them what exactly the charming birds needed.

It turned out that, first of all, they were interested in pretty girls and boys, whom they lured into secluded places and affectionately wrapping their wings, sweetly kissing them to the point of complete exhaustion.

Then everyone quickly guessed that the angelic-looking creatures were the thieves of life force, but it was useless to drive these vamps away, they did not understand any exhortations and used their victims as best they could. Someone liked it and they themselves looked for meetings, looking at the sky every day, while others hid when they noticed the presence of charming womanizers in the city.

It was a real shameless sin for pretty boys to be in their arms and become the object of ridicule from their peers, and girls in love, hoping for marriages with handsome men, always met them with joyful faces, anticipating unearthly pleasures with winged celestials. Soon, some became pregnant and began to demand marriage from their voluptuous boyfriends.

"You can't live with me, - one of the blondes excused himself from the girl's claims. - I can't take care of you. Syrinxes don't marry mortals. You will be soon old, and I will remain young. It's an unequal marriage anyway! I'll take my son if you don't need him."

"Are you using me instead of loving me? - she was indignant. - I am food for you and a flower pot for your seed, is it so?"

"Well ... it sounds rude, - the winged one laughed off and calmed her with hypnosis, sparkling eyes. - You yourself wanted to sleep with me, invited me to bed, and I only offered kisses. Thought I was infertile? Are you not using me? You enjoy my beauty and body. You could date a regular guy..."

"Sorry, - the girl felt guilty, grabbing the angel's hands in tears. - Don't leave me for someone else...

"Then behave adequately, dear ... And the baby from me will make you even happier."

Disguised cynicism did not scare off the fans, and the winged ones continued their fun with the youth.