Ch. 1.8

"I don't have a reserve of mana, it won't work without long kisses. Do you want to make crystals from your energy? I think they will make beautiful yellow diamonds."

Eriolan made a disgusted face and said:

"Well... I'll get by somehow... but I really want to check if you're lying. Use my courtiers to collect mana."

"Oh, no... none of them suits me. I am very picky about the quality of energy."

"Well, well... Liar! Who will believe you?"

"I never lie, my lord! Sometimes I just don't tell the whole truth. Oh, I'm honest with you, my beloved King! Let me kiss you and prove it!"

"How dare you! - Eriolan was angry. - Go away!"

"Don't drive me out of the palace! I can please you in any way you wish."

"I'll manage somehow without your services, vampire. You better take good care of Taylor's son. Don't kill him!"

Undoubtedly, the vampire soon appeared on the threshold with his sly smile, assessing the quality of the new housing.

"And why did you buy such a small house? Funds allowed for more!"

"Enough for me and mom. Thanks for the gift! - Kire replied dryly, handing Lyor a bag of crystals. - I back the rest to you!"

"Oh, don't… - the winged one sneered mockingly. - Do you think I'm going to get poor somehow? I can make at least a million of them, if only I had mana... You people value this, but the syrinxes have no need for crystals..."

"So these sapphires are made from my mana?- Kire asked.

"Right! They are completely yours! Beautiful, like your blue eyes, - the vampire emphasized, casting a gentle glance at the young man. - Don't be stubborn! Take all my help..."

He squeezed his hand with the pouch and pulled it away from him.

"I missed you, by the way. Waiting when you to settle in a new place. The fact that you refused to meet me will not stop me from flying in and looming in front of you..."

"Are you hungry?"

"Do you think I can't live without mana? I can, but ... it will be life without bright colors. Without love, nothing makes sense."

Lyor glared at the teen, his eyes glittering with turquoise, and pulled him by the arms. Kire did not resist and not push away the intrusive syrinx who had fallen to him. The rustle of feathers was heard from the wings wrapping around, and cool, thin, long fingers wrapped around his waist.

"It's even amazing... You allow me to touch you, - Lyor whispered languidly in his ear, sliding his lips along his neck. You did not slap me on the cheek..."

"Since you want it so much, maniac... I'll have to put up with you until you're fed up with me. This is how it usually happens ... Just play enough and quit."

The hugs closed tighter and the syrinx's breathing quickened.

"Such a good boy! I haven't even cast the spell yet... However, don't expect me to get fed up quickly..."

Kire decided that his feigned submission would slightly cool the syrinx's passion, but the vampire was not going to stop and launched his long tongue into his mouth, touching the tip of his throat. The boy almost coughed from this action, but something burned him to the very heart and paralyzed him. Bright flashes of multi-colored lights flashed in my eyes and my mind plunged into a rustling stream of unusual sensations. A previously unknown euphoria, expanding something large and warm from the center of the chest, captured and constrained the spirit, connecting with the creature inquisitively examining his reaction.

Syrinx continued his kisses, assessing the state of the boy, who helplessly hung in his arms, then went outside with him and, fluttering up, flew up, carefully hugging him to himself.

They landed in a secluded square of the huge royal garden and, having laid Kire on a lawn of small flowers, Lyor began to stroke the immobilized young man, looking into his eyes.

"What's happening? - Kire began to come to his senses. - It was as if I was carried away somewhere ... I flew ... with you ... Why do I feel so good?"

"The bliss. Can you feel it?"

"My heart is barely beating, as if it's about to stop... Have you done something to me... your kiss is poisonous... am I dying?"