Ch. 1.11

With horror, Kire realized that there was no way he could avoid orgies in the near future, because his appearance was becoming brighter every day. Someone's hands will definitely reach out to him...

He had difficulty recognizing himself in the mirror after a couple of months of his new life: in general, his facial features remained the same - a smooth, thin nose, high cheekbones, but his eyes seemed to have increased in size and acquired a more intense color of deep blue, his black hair rapidly grew in shiny, beautifully falling strands over the shoulders, perfectly smooth dark skin began to shine like mother-of-pearl, the lips took on a more expressive shape and filled with scarlet color. In fact, his youthful appearance has acquired a feminine charm, so much so that anyone would want to caress him. This beauty was too attractive.

"What's wrong with my face? - Kire lamented pitifully in front of the mirror. - I look like a girl! Return everything as it was!"