"I have twenty-two of them! Gedeon lives on Xantari, and my residence is on Zaria."

"Xantari? Lyor's homeland... He would like to return there with me to his tower."

"My dear, it's dangerous for a Being like you to live there. There are thousands of Syrinxes and they will notice you by your scent and will actively pester you. You don't have enough power to protect yourself yet. Even Lyor is unable to guard you from their attention."

"Are they stronger than him?"

"There are such persons, there are not many of them, but believe me, you are their type. Xantharian vampires are very dangerous. Imagine what will happen if you show up there... Gedeon constantly brushes them off and only his superpowers help him avoid harassment."

"Syrinxes are very lascivious creatures," Kire concluded thoughtfully, laying his head on the Lord's chest.