"Wow, what are you doing?" indignation flared up in response.

"I'm charging you for this portrait..." 

"Is there no other way, Lariel?"

"You can only pay me with love and mana; I don't need any crystals or money. I am as much a vampire as your Xantharian servants, and even stronger... and your fragrant mana turns me on, radiant son of Logos."

Eriolan stopped resisting the obsessive caresses of winged one, succumbing to charms and the poison of the kiss.

"What would you take if I could see Eurol in person? At least five minutes!"

"Oh! You're teasing me, King! You don't even have to bargain, which is what I would like from you, but the problem is that the prisoner is heavily guarded. Even for a couple of moments you won't be allowed to be near him and you won't have time to say anything to him."

"I'll leave him a message and my portrait..."

"And what!? The Illurian prince receives such messages every day and he does not remember you.