Rigidity and confidence appeared in his nature. An angel with cold beauty in new incarnation ... and yet... his radiating penetrating mana, that very unique power that makes you fall in love. Eriolan clearly felt what he had been missing for many years. This is that very strong feeling that turns the soul inside out and gives vivid impressions and experiences. He might not even have to touch him... it was enough for him to just be nearby and look into those bewitching gray eyes...

"Well... so... Hmm," Eurol grinned again at his frozen interlocutor, batting the eyelashes.

"We spent time together: we walked, talked..." was the answer to the guest.

"Well... and now you can use me as you want... I'm already accustomed to my position, when everyone reaches out to me with their hands... They treat me like a toy for pleasure! And... sometimes it pisses me off!"