In the second timeline, Granger beat her in school studies with no occlumency and while carrying a wizard ton of dead weight. If their roles were reversed, and Granger were the future Lady Slytherin, and she, the muggleborn, would she be doing nearly as well?
Probably not.
Harry was still smiling at her.
Daphne squared her shoulders. "We've always done stuff together, right? Like learning and planning and things."
"We have."
"How intense is what we do, compared to the others, I mean? Compared to Granger, Lovegood, and Weasley?"
Harry put his book down and leaned back. "Ginny's training is pretty intense, but that's because she's become obsessed with beating Luna. Luna's training has always been about the same as ours, but that girl picks stuff up so quickly it's scary and she's already abnormally powerful. And Hermione always pushes herself far beyond what most people would be willing to. Sooo… I guess not that intense."
Daphne bit her lip and gripped the edges of her armchair. "I want that."
Harry tilted his head the other way.
"I want to be pushed hard. Tell me what to do. I'll do anything. I want to be useful to you as more than just the Greengrass Heiress." She glared straight into Harry's deep emerald eyes.
"You know, the political work you're doing now is really important."
"I know. But I can do more. Hermione can. So can I."
She kept looking into his eyes, refusing to look away or even blink.
Harry stared right back. Again, his lip tilted upwards. "I think we can manage that, somehow."
She nodded.
"First things first though, let's figure out how to get our mitts on the ancient artefact that gives unlimited wealth, and immortality, mmm?"
Daphne's gaze swept over the pile of as yet unread books to her right. Her eyes hardened. "Right." She grabbed the top book and slammed it open on her lap. She focused on her occlumency and felt the magic flow into her head. The world became clearer, sharper, and more understandable. She looked down at the pages in front of her and started reading.
John Potter strolled through the door of Professor Flitwick's office. "Professor?"
The short charms master looked up from where he sat at his desk.
"Mister Potter? How can I help you?"
John stepped forward. "I understand you occasionally take on students who show particular aptitude for duelling, Professor."
Professor Flitwick put down the paper he'd been reading. "I have been known to, yes. But I assure you those are rare circumstances. A student usually needs to show me something quite special for that, and I've never before taken on a student before their third year.
John smirked, flicked his wand into his hand and held it high above his head.
It was Halloween. Hermione shivered. She really needed to learn the warming charm.
"Okay, class!" called out Madam Hooch, sitting atop her Cleansweep Seven. "Three laps of the pitch! In pairs! Keep nice even space between each other and don't go too fast!"
Hermione sidled over to the Hufflepuffs. "Good Morning, Kevin."
The larger Muggleborn gave her a wide grin. "Mornin'. You wanting ta group up?"
She smiled back. "Sure."
The other puffs gave them the thumbs up and the two waited for the teacher's whistle. It blew and they started a careful, slow lap.
Hermione adjusted her grip. "So, how're classes going?"
Kevin kept his eyes forward. "Kay, I guess."
"You guess?"
Kevin shrugged, causing him to dip briefly before he brought himself back to her level. "Getting the spells down is hard. Everyone else always gets them first."
They continued flying for a few more moments.
"You're lucky you're so smart."
Hermione glanced at the boy. "You mean because I learn spells quickly?"
"Yeah! You're always first. Every time."
She shrugged, causing her own little dip. "I have a lot of advantages."
"Oh, yeah? Like?"
"I learnt all the theory when I was younger. So I get more time to practise spells."
"That's unfair!"
Hermione nodded. "Yes."
"I mean… they're all saying that it don't matter that me Mum an' Dad ain't magic, but that's not true then."
She shook her head.
"That sucks."
"It's actually a lot worse then that."
Kevin shot her a look. "Wha'dja mean?"
"I'm a muggleborn too so I understand what you're going through, but I was lucky. I had my best friend to guide me. You remember when we talked about legilimency?"
Kevin looked thoughtful. "Yeah. I think so. That mind reading stuff right?"
"Yes. Well, there's this thing called Occlumency that some people who grew up in the magical world learn, which protects against that. But it also helps you learn faster, gives you a near perfect memory, and helps you control your emotions."
Kevin's jaw dropped. "That's awesome! I want to learn that!"
"-And it takes years to learn and isn't taught at Hogwarts."
Kevin's face fell. "Whaa? Why? That not fair!"