
"Luna-you and Marrow good?" Not too far away stood the rest of her family. Each individual shared expressions full of concern towards them. Lunaira was grateful for their consideration. They gave them space out of respect for privacy, though she could tell that it had been too long of a conversation.

She saw the way their feet shuffled, fidgeting in place. Those anxious gazes lingered. With a huff, their temporary leader gathered the haphazardly dropped supplies from earlier. They were thankfully intact regardless of the mini storm that swirled around earlier. Even better, she grabbed them without any deadly looks sent her way this time.

"Of course, Dust. Just a little chit chat is all. By the way, I was right. Marrow likes my cooking way more than yours, Illese!" Marrow blinked as she glanced up before following the white-haired magician's gaze. They both saw how Illese's mouth pursed when she snorted.

"Bullshit, Lu Lu. Our meals are always underdone when it's your turn. Out of all of us you're the worst cook here! I trust Momo more and she's the one who blew up our cooking pot last week." At that the silent twin sagged, resting her head on Coco's shoulder. Of course, the hot-tempered girl scowled after hearing that. Her ire knew no bounds.

"You're so mean, Illese. Considering you're little Miss. Pyro-emphasis on little, I don't even know why you're complaining. Besides, I'd rather eat undercooked food than burnt trash." Now all of the group bickered slightly in the background. It was astounding how easily she took the attention off Marrow.

Lunaira manipulated their companions off their conversation, like puppets on a string, they did what she wanted with barely any effort. Said puppeteer threw a wink her way, happy to add more to the already ongoing chaos. The pair rose from the ground.

"Shall we join them, Marrow? If I know Mama Ori, she will be back soon. Along with a series of local goodies from the town." For a moment, the newest member hesitated and Lunaira could understand why. Even with the deep, heart to heart talk, there were just some things that could not be forgotten. Old habits most definitely die hard when they are the reason for one's survival in the first place.

"S-sure." That was ok. More than fine considering the life she lived. Marrow didn't have to pretend around them. There was no judgment to be found from anyone. So long as she tried not to overdo things, or lash out as much, then it was a victory in the albino's books. Even more so when she picked up the last of the teen's belongings without complaint.

"Let's go then. Before these bratty children have to be restrained." Maybe someday soon she would let go of her inner turmoil and accept this second chance. At the very least Lunaira hoped the girl would find peace quicker than she did. Items in their possession, they began to walk, now fully entrapped in the sky's warmth. A few steps in though, Marrow suddenly stopped in her tracks. Immediately Lunaira followed suit, tilting her head curiously.

"Lu-Luna? I have a question." Now it was Lunaira's turn to freeze in disbelief. Only for joy to sparkle atop her features not a moment later. Her silver tattoos shimmered in the light. Happiness flooded her heart. A reaction that made Marrow blink. Lunaira wanted to laugh, realizing that the sixteen-year-old didn't even notice her little slip up.

"You called me Luna."


"No, no! It's fine if anything I prefer that. What is it?"

"You…you told me everyone's story, except for Ori and yours. I-I want to ask Ori on my own, b-but could you tell me yours?" Marrow sped through the last bits of her question, looking more nervous than she did only a few minutes ago. There was no grimace or flinch that forced that smile away on the older woman's face. However, Lunaira's eyes did glow for a second.

A reaction to those phantom passions revitalizing in her mind. Those dark days that still stalked her wherever she walked. It took a moment for her to compose herself. The question asked was born from curiosity and...for her to refuse after outing out the others would've been awfully hypocritcal of her. Still, she had to keep herself in check, the last thing she wanted was to react to the pain that lingered. No need to scare her junior when she tried to be brave.

"I am known as an albino. A being born with unnatural hair and eye color due to high concentrations of magic. Where I was born, I was considered a bad omen. As punishment for surviving my birth I was ostracized, even tortured by my entire village. When I turned seven, my powers went out of control in what's called a 'magical burst' and killed everyone."

A shaky exhale was released from the purple-eyed magician as the tattooed arms were held up. They still flickered. She didn't look up to see Marrow's wide eyes that were fully on them, she did however hear her gasp. Everyone she had spoken to had the same reaction when they realized the tattoos didn't gleam, but were actually moving.

Like fish that leaped across the lake, it raced along tan skin as if they were alive. Lunaira had long gotten used to both the tattoos and the looks she received. Compared to the rest of her history, it was more than bearable. Funny even on some occasions.

"Ori found me a year later still scrambling to control my powers. She placed these special markings on my body to keep me in check. She took me under her wing, learning the fundamentals of magic. That was sixteen years ago." This time, there were no visions of the past. Not because Lunaira was not willing to reveal those twisted memories…but rather due to her headache. It wasn't a promising idea to delve into such mental magic in such a state.

"But that's-" Marrow interrupted herself, unable to finish. It seemed that the albino didn't have to reveal anything if the horrified expression on the teen's face was anything to go by. With a sigh, the twenty-four-year-old glanced up, staring at the clouds that floated leisurely in the bright blue sky. A bright blue that was her single comfort back then.

"Time does not rid a sin, Marrow. No matter how accidental it may be. I still live with guilt, but more shamefully, spite. I want to live, proving those villagers wrong. I am not an evil entity, I'm not some bringer of bad luck. I'm someone that was born under unusual stars who was not given the chance until death soaked my hands."