
“Now what?” Marrow panicked beside her; her gaze swirled in all directions. Lunaira would’ve smirked at the girl’s reaction if she didn’t feel the ominous tingle that extended throughout the tent.

It made the air heavier, goosebumps prickled across her skin, and she could tell everyone else was just as rattled. She had to get her audience situated, immediately.

“Now? Now the real fun begins. So just sit back and enjoy the show." Marrow raised an eyebrow, her worry, temporarily forgotten at Lunaira’s calm tone, but said nothing as the older woman stood.

She raised her arms above her head, those illuminating purple eyes closed. Searching deep within, she pulled out her magic, allowing it to charge just beneath her fingertips.

Waiting. She heard the applause. Waiting. The soft murmurs rang throughout the tent. Waiting still. Lunaira had done this more than enough times to know what to expect.